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0store-secure-add - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command 0store-secure-add that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



0store-secure-add — add an implementation to the system cache


0store-secure-add DIGEST


This command imports the current directory into the system-wide shared Zero Install cache,
as /var/cache/0install.net/implementations/DIGEST. This allows a program downloaded by
one user to be shared with other users.

The current directory must contain a file called '.manifest' listing all the files to be
added (in the format required by DIGEST), and this file must have the given digest. If
not, the import is refused. Therefore, it is only possible to add a directory to the cache
if its name matches its contents.

It is intended that it be safe to grant untrusted users permission to call this command
with elevated privileges. To set this up, see below.


To enable sharing, the system administrator should follow these steps:

Create a new system user to own the cache:

adduser --system zeroinst

Create the shared directory, owned by this new user:

mkdir /var/cache/0install.net

chown zeroinst /var/cache/0install.net

Use visudo(8) to add these lines to /etc/sudoers:

Defaults>zeroinst env_reset,always_set_home

ALL ALL=(zeroinst) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/0store-secure-add

Create a script called 0store-secure-add-helper in PATH to call it. This script must be
executable and contain these two lines:


exec sudo -S -u zeroinst /usr/bin/0store-secure-add "$@" < /dev/null

The other Zero Install programs will call this helper script automatically.

Use 0store-secure-add online using onworks.net services

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