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aconnect - Online in the Cloud

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aconnect - ALSA sequencer connection manager


aconnect [-d] [-options] sender receiver
aconnect -i|-o [-options]
aconnect -x


aconnect is a utility to connect and disconnect two existing ports on ALSA sequencer
system. The ports with the arbitrary subscription permission, such as created by
aseqview(1), can be connected to any (MIDI) device ports using aconnect. For example, to
connect from port 64:0 to 65:0, run as follows:

% aconnect 64:0 65:0

The connection is one-way, and the whole data to the sender port (64:0) is redirected to
the receiver port (65:0). When another port (e.g. 65:1) is attached to the same sender
port, the data is sent to both receiver ports. For disconnection, use -d option.

% aconnect -d 64:0 65:0

The address can be given using the client's name.

% aconnect External:0 Emu8000:1

Then the port 0 of the client matching with the string "External" is connected to the port
1 of the client matching with the "Emu8000".

Another function of aconnect is to list the present ports on the given condition. The
input ports, which may become sender ports, can be listed with -i option.

% aconnect -i
client 0: 'System' [type=kernel]
0 'Timer '
1 'Announce '
client 64: 'External MIDI-0' [type=kernel]
0 'MIDI 0-0 '

Similarly, to see the output ports, use -o flag.

You can remove all existing exported connections using -x option. This function is useful
for terminating the ALSA drivers, because the modules with sequencer connections cannot be
unloaded unless their connections are removed.


-d, --disconnect
Disconnect the given subscription.

-e, --exclusive
Connect ports with exclusive mode. Both sender and receiver ports can be no longer
connected by any other ports.

-r, --real queue
Convert time-stamps of event packets to the current value of the given real-time
queue. This is option is, however, not so useful, since the receiver port must use
(not necessarily own) the specified queue.

-t, --tick queue
Like -r option, but time-stamps are converted to the current value of the given
tick queue.

-i, --input
List existing input (readable) ports. This option is exclusive to -o.

-o, --output
List existing output (writable) ports. This option is exclusive to -i.

-l, --list
List the current connection status. The connected and connecting ports from/to
each port are listed together. The suffix flag [ex] means the connection is
exclusive. The suffix flag [real:#] and [tick:#] mean the connection includes
real-time and tick conversion on the listed queue, respectively.

-x, --removeall
Remove all exported connections.

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