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AMC-imprime - Online in the Cloud

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AMC-imprime - prints AMC multiple choice answer sheets to be distributed to the students


auto-multiple-choice imprime --sujet subject.pdf --fich-nums numbers-file.txt
--data data-dir --methode method [where-to-print-arguments...]


The AMC-imprime.pl command prints selected copies from a AMC multiple choice answer sheet.

What to print
The following arguments describe what to print:

--sujet subject.pdf
sets the subject file (prepared by AMC-prepare(1)).

--fich-nums numbers-file.txt
gives a file where the numbers of the copies to be printed are written (one number per
line). If this argument is not given, all the copies will be printed.

--data data-dir
gives the directory where data files are (see for example AMC-meptex(1)). The layout
database in the data directory is used to know at which page of the subject file each
copy begins and ends.

asks to print separate answer sheets separately.

Where to print
Several printing methods are currently defined:

· with "--methode CUPS", AMC-imprime.pl prints to a CUPS printer. One print job is sent
for each copy, allowing for exemple to use stapling. Use the following options with
this method:

--imprimante printer
sets the CUPS printer name to print to.

--options cups-options
gives CUPS options, in the opt1=value1,opt2=value2,... format.

· with "--methode file", AMC-imprime.pl outputs the answer sheets to files (one for each

--output filename
sets the filename for outputs. The '%e' sequence will be replaced by a 4-digits
copy number. If filename does not contain '%e', the string '-%e.pdf' will be added
at its end.

· with "--methode command", AMC-imprime.pl will use a provided command for each copy.

--print-command command
gives the command to be used for printing. The command string will be split at
each space character (even when using quotes...). The sequence '%f' will be
replaced by a PDF filename (containing the copy to print), and '%e' will be
replaced by the copy number.


Alexis Bienvenüe <[email protected]>
Main author

Jean Bérard
Translation from French

Georges Khaznadar
Translation from French


Copyright © 2008-2013 Alexis Bienvenüe

This document can be used according to the terms of the GNU General Public License,
version 2 or later.

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