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AMC-mailing - Online in the Cloud

Run AMC-mailing in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command AMC-mailing that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



AMC-mailing - mail PDF annotated completed answer sheets to students


auto-multiple-choice mailing [--xmlargs args.xml] --projet project-dir
--students-list students-list.csv [--list-encoding encoding]
--email-column col --sender sender-email --subject subject
--text email-body [--debug file.log] [transport arguments...]


The command AMC-mailing.pl sends by email the PDF annotated completed answer sheets to the
students. Email addresses are taken from the students list file.

--projet project-dir
Gives the project directory.

--students-list students-list.csv
sets the students list file name.

--list-encoding encoding
selects an encoding for file students-list.csv (default is utf-8).

--email-column col
sets the name of the column containing the email addresses of the students in the
students list file.

--sender sender-email
sets the sender email.

--subject subject
sets the subject of the emails to send.

--text email-body
sets the body text of the emails to send.

--attach filename
adds file filename as an attachment to all emails sent. Use this option several times
to attach multiple files.

--transport transport
sets the transport to use. transport may be sendmail or SMTP.

--debug file.log
gives a file to fill with debugging information.


Depending on the value used for argument transport, the following arguments can be added:

Transport sendmail
--sendmail-path path
sets the path to the sendmail command (defaults to /usr/sbin/sendmail).

Transport SMTP
--smtp-host host
sets the SMTP hostname (defaults to smtp).

--smtp-port port
sets the port to use (default value is 25).


To avoid encoding problems, one can place some arguments in a XML file and use the
--xmlargs file.xml argument as the first command argument. Here is an exemple of such a

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<arg>--sender</arg><arg>Bienvenüe &lt;[email protected]&gt;</arg>
<arg>--text</arg><arg>Voilà votre copie corrigée</arg>


Alexis Bienvenüe <[email protected]>
Main author

Jean Bérard
Translation from French

Georges Khaznadar
Translation from French


Copyright © 2008-2013 Alexis Bienvenüe

This document can be used according to the terms of the GNU General Public License,
version 2 or later.

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