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bbtime - Online in the Cloud

Run bbtime in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command bbtime that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



bbtime - Display the time in a small blackbox style window


bbtime [-display <displayname>] [-config <filename>]
[-spooldir] [-version] [-help] [[-position] | [-pos]] <position>


This manual page documents briefly the bbtime command.

bbtime displays the time in a small blackbox style window.


A summary of options are included below.

-d[isplay] <displayname>
X server to connect to

-c[onfig] <filename>
Alternate config file

-bb[config] <filename>
Alternate Blackbox config file

Fall back on default configuration

-m[ailbox] <filename>
Filename of mailbox

Display version number

Display this help

-p[osition] <position>
Set position of window, <position> = [+]|[-]x[+]|[-]y

Place bbtool in the Slit

Don't display groundplate


Blackbox Users:

By default bbtime reads the Blackbox style-file as defined in .blackboxrc and copies as
much of the style as possible. The result is an application which looks a lot like the
toolbar. Further configuration options can be found in bbtime.style. Most likely you want
to change these options, copy this file to somewhere in your homedir (eg
blackbox/bbtime.config) and edit it. Edit the file .blackboxrc and add or edit the line:
bbtime.configFile: <your config file>.

WARNING: You have to define the entire PATH.

All style options set by reading the Blackbox-style file can be overridden by placing them
in bbtime.config (and changing them). See bbtime.style for all possible options.

Make sure the file .bbtoolsrc does not exist, else the configuration style for other
Window Managers will be used.

Users of other Window managers:

By default bbtime reads the bbtoolsrc and bbtime.nobb config files. If you want to define
your personal config-file copy bbtoolsrc to your homedir as ./.bbtoolsrc. Copy
bbtime.nobb somewhere in your homedir. Edit .bbtoolsrc and add or edit the line:
bbtime.configFile: <your config file>.

WARNING: You have to define the entire PATH.


Press the right mouse-button on the envelope to cause bbtime to re-read its settings.

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