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bcp - extract subsets of Boost


bcp --list [options] module-list
bcp [options] module-list output-path
bcp --report [options] module-list html-file
bcp --help


Copies all the files, including dependencies, found in module-list to output-path. output-
path must be an existing path.

With --list, prints the list of all the files in module-list, including dependencies.

With --report, writes the HTML report to html-file.

With --help, prints a quick usage reminder.

It is useful for Boost authors who want to distribute their library separately from Boost
and for Boost users who want to distribute a subset of Boost with their application.

When the --scan option is not used, a list of Boost files or library names to copy. It can

- The name of a tool: for example "build" will find "tools/build".

- The name of a library: for example "regex".

- The title of a header: for example "scoped_ptr" will find "boost/scoped_ptr.hpp".

- The name of a header: for example "scoped_ptr.hpp" will find

- The name of a file: for example "boost/regex.hpp".

When the --scan option is used, a list of (probably non-boost) files to scan for Boost
dependencies, the files in the module list are not therefore copied/listed.

File dependencies
C++ source files are scanned for #includes, all #includes present in the Boost source tree
will then be scanned for their dependencies and so on.

C++ source files are associated with the name of a library, if that library has source
code (and possibly build data), then include that source in the dependencies.

C++ source files are checked for dependencies on Boost.Test (for example to see if they
use cpp_main as an entry point).

HTML files are scanned for immediate dependencies (images and style sheets, but not

HTML report contains:
- all the licenses in effect, plus the files using each license, and the copyright holders
using each license

- any files with no recognizable license (please report these to the Boost mailing lists)

- any files with no recognizable copyright holders (please report these to the Boost
mailing lists)

- all the copyright holders and the files on which they hold copyright

- file dependency information - indicates the reason for the inclusion of any particular
file in the dependencies found


sets the location of the Boost tree to path

--scan treat the module list as a list of (possibly non-boost) files to scan for Boost

--cvs only copy files under CVS version control

make sure that all copied files use Unix style line endings


bcp scoped_ptr /foo
Copies boost/scoped_ptr.hpp and dependencies to /foo.

bcp boost/regex.hpp /foo
Copies boost/regex.hpp and all dependencies including the regex source code (in
libs/regex/src) and build files (in libs/regex/build) to /foo. Does not copy the
regex documentation, test or example code.

bcp regex /foo
Copies the full regex lib (in libs/regex) including dependencies (such as the
Boost.Test source required by the regex test programs) to /foo.

bcp regex config build /foo
Copies the full regex lib (in libs/regex) plus the config lib (libs/config) and the
build system (tools/build) to /foo including all the dependencies.

bcp --scan --boost=/boost foo.cpp bar.cpp boost
Scans the [non-boost] files foo.cpp and bar.cpp for Boost dependencies and copies
those dependencies to the sub-directory boost.

bcp --report regex.hpp boost-regex-report.html
Creates a HTML report called boost-regex-report.html for the Boost module


Author of bcp is John Maddock.

Author of this manpage is Domenico Andreoli, who copied stuff from bcp --help and the HTML

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