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botch-extract-scc - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command botch-extract-scc that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



botch-extract-scc - extract all strongly connected components


botch-extract-scc [options] graph.xml [prefix]


Extract strongly connected components (SCC) from an input graph in GraphML or dot format.

The strongly connected components are stored as one file each in either the current
directory or the directory given by the --outdir option.

The file names that were generated for them are printed on standard output.

By default that filename is of the format PREFIX_VERTEX_SIZE.EXT where PREFIX can be set
on the command line, while VERTEX defaults to the vertex ID chosen by network, SIZE is the
size of the SCC and EXT is xml by default but can be set using the --extension option.
This is to reduce the possibility that two output graph files happen to have the same
name. You can make them more unique by using the --outfnameverts and --outfnameattr
options which refine the string that will be printed for VERTEX.


-h, --help
Show help.

output directory. Default is current directory

--outfnameverts=VERT [VERT ...]
This option picks the set of vertices from which the smallest one will be picked to be
stored in VERTEX in the output file name. Each VERT option is a key/value pair of
graph attribute and its value. The vertices that match all VERT selections will form
the final set. By default, all vertices of the graph are candidates.

The special key "__ID__" allows one to select the unique vertex identifier.

Since this argument can take more than one option, it has to come after all positional

This option picks the vertex attribute that is to be printed in VERTEX in the output
file name.

Output files have extension EXT. Default is xml. This option also governs the output
format. The xml extension saves in GraphML format while the dot extension saves in the
dot format.

-v, --verbose
Be verbose.


Extract the strongly connected components of a buildgraph and store them in the directory
"out", prefixing each filename with "cyclic" and let the VERTEX value be the cudfname
field of source packages only.

botch-extract-scc --verbose --outdir=out --outfnameattr=cudfname buildgraph.xml cyclic --outfnameverts type:src

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