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cannaserver - Online in the Cloud

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cannaserver - Kana-Kanji conversion server


cannaserver [-d] [-u userid] [-inet] [-inet6] [-l n] [-syslog] [-p num] [ddpath]


cannaserver(1) provides the Kana-Kanji conversion service. Most commonly this daemon
starts at daemon bootup framework like /etc/rc depending on your system, so you do not
usually start it up manually.

By default, cannaserver(1) only accepts connections from clients at the same host where
the server is running (via UNIX domain socket). You can make it accessible from other
hosts via TCP by using option -inet (or -inet6). Whether you use this option or not, you
can get access control based on user and host using /etc/hosts.canna.

cannaserver(1) immediately forks and gets into the background after it starts. You do not
need to use '&' explicitly to make it run in the background.

When it starts, cannaserver(1) creates the UNIX domain socket /tmp/.iroha_unix/IROHA[:num]
to communicate clients. The socket is deleted automatically if cannaserver(1) terminates
normally. The socket may exist while cannaserver(1) is not running (because, for example,
cannaserver(1) terminated abnormally). In this case, delete the file manually or you
cannot start it.

/var/lib/canna/dic/*/dics.dir includes the list of dictionaries which are available to
clients. Users (i.e. clients) can choose which to use and specify them in ~/.canna.


ddpath Specifies the directory that contains dictionaries.

-inet This option lets cannaserver(1) accept connections from remote hosts using
inet domain socket (IPv4). By default, the cannaserver(1) uses only UNIX
domain socket, i.e. only clients in your local machine can connect to the

-inet6 Enable IPv6. If this option is used solely, IPv4 access is disabled. If you
want to use IPv4 at the same time, use both -inet and -inet6.

-l n Outputs the cannaserver(1) log to /tmp/canna.log. n (1 to 5) specifies the
log level.

-d Starts cannaserver(1) in debug mode. It is executed as the foreground
process. Log data at log level 5 is output to the standard output.

-u userid Specifies which user cannaserver(1) runs as. By default, cannaserver(1) runs
as the user who started cannaserver(1).

-syslog Outputs the cannaserver(1) log to syslogd(8). If you specify this option, logs
are not output to /var/log/canna/CANNA?msgs.

-p num By this option cannaserver(1) uses the port number 5680 + num. The default
port number is 5680. This option also has an effect on the filename of the
socket and the log file. See below.

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