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cartconv - Online in the Cloud

Run cartconv in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command cartconv that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator and Virtual Commodore Environment


VICE is a multi-platform emulator of the Commodore PET, CBM-II, VIC20, C64, C64DTV, C128
and Plus4 8-bit computers. The emulators run as separate programs, but have the same user
interface, share the same settings and support the same file formats. Also some external
utilities are provided.

VICE is made up of the following programs:

x64 a fast Commodore 64 emulator

x64sc an accurate Commodore 64 emulator

xscpu64 an accurate SCPU64 emulator

x64dtv a C64DTV emulator

x128 a Commodore 128 emulator

xvic a Commodore VIC20 emulator

xpet a Commodore PET emulator

xplus4 a Commodore Plus4 emulator

xcbm2 a Commodore CBM-II (6x0/7x0) emulator

xcbm5x0 a Commodore CBM-II (5x0) emulator

vsid a SID player

c1541 a stand-alone disk image maintenance utility;

petcat a Commodore BASIC (de)tokenizer;

a cartridge file (bin<--->crt) converter;

The whole documentation for these programs is available in HTML format; the main file
should be installed on your system as /usr/local/lib/vice/doc/vice_toc.html.

For up to date news about VICE, have a look at the official home page at


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