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cdplay - Online in the Cloud

Run cdplay in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command cdplay that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)


cdeject [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h]
cdclose [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h]
cdir -n [-[0..9]|-d device] [-r|-s|-t|-V|-?|-h]
cdinfo [-[0..9]|-d device] [-a|-r|-s|-t|-v|-V|-?|-h]
cdpause [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h]
cdplay [-[0..9]|-d device] [start [stop]
cdplay [-[0..9]|-d device] [+|- number]
cdplay [-[0..9]|-d device] [start|stop|resume|eject|close|info|dir]
cdplay [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h]
cdstop [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h]
cdvolume [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h|level]
cdshuffle [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h]


The cdeject command ejects the current compact disc.

The cdclose command closes the CDROM tray.

The cdir command lists information about the currently loaded audio compact disc. In
particular, it lists the lengths of all tracks. It also references the database files
specified in the CDTOOLPATHDB environment variable and the ~/.cdtooldb file, which use a
simplified version of the format used by workman(1). If one of these files contains an
entry for the current compact disc, cdir will print title, artist, and track name

-n Do not lookup any information in the database files.

-s Print information in a short format: only author, title, and current track,
all on one line.

-t Print a template for the current cd, including title, artist, and track name
information if available. If blank lines are filled in, this can be appended
to the ~/.cdtooldb file.

The cdinfo command, with no option used, will print out the audiostatus (playing, etc.).

-a Print out the absolute disc time.

-r Print out the relative track time.

-s Print out the audiostatus.

-t Print out the current track.

-v All info: status track absolute relative.

The cdpause command pauses the currently playing compact disc. Resume by using cdplay
with no arguments.

The cdplay command plays the compact disc. If called with one argument, this is the
starting track number. If called with two arguments, these are the starting and stopping
track numbers. If the first argument is a + or - then skip the number of tracks given by
the second argument forward or backward. If no second argument is give, skip one. A 0 as
first argument or no argument replays current track.

The cdstop command stops the compact disc, if it is playing.

The cdvolume command sets the output volume level of the CD player. The level is an
integer from 0 to 255.

The cdshuffle command plays the audio tracks on the disc in random order.

The default device opened is /dev/cdrom. This default and others may be changed in
config.h. Options supported by all programs are:

Multiple cdrom support to open /dev/scd0../dev/scd7 [by default].

-d device
Multiple cdrom support to open device by name.

Print out help for the command.

-V Print out version information and build information.

-D Enable runtime debugging.

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