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cfgmaker - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command cfgmaker that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



cfgmaker - Creates mrtg.cfg files (for mrtg-2.17.4)


cfgmaker [options] [community@]router [[options] [community@]router ...]


--ifref=name interface references by Interface Name (default)
--ifref=ip ... by Ip Address
--ifref=eth ... by Ethernet Number
--ifref=descr ... by Interface Description
--ifref=nr ... by Interface Number
--ifref=type ... by Interface Type
You may also use multiple options separated by commas,
in which case the first available one is used:
e.g. --ifref=ip,name,nr

--ifdesc=nr interface description uses Interface Number (default)
--ifdesc=ip ... uses Ip Address
--ifdesc=eth ... uses Ethernet Number
--ifdesc=descr ... uses Interface Description
--ifdesc=name ... uses Interface Name
--ifdesc=catname ... uses CatOS Interface Name
--ifdesc=ppname ... uses Passport Port Name
--ifdesc=alias ... uses Interface Alias
--ifdesc=type ... uses Interface Type
You may also use multiple options separated by commas,
in which case the first available one is used:
e.g. --ifdesc=catname,ppname,descr,alias,ip,name,nr

--if-filter=f Test every interface against filter f to decide wether
or not to include that interface into the collection.
Currently f is being evaluated as a Perl expression
and it's truth value is used to reject or accept the
(Experimental, under development, might change)

Replace the normal target entries for the interfaces
with an entry as specified by the contents in the file
templatefile. The file is supposed to contain Perl
code to be executed to generate the lines for the
target in the configuration file.
(Experimental, under development, might change)

In addition to creating targets for a host's interfaces
do also create targets for the host itself as specified
by the contents in the file templatefile. The file is
supposed to contain Perl code to be executed to generate
the lines for the host related targets (such as CPU,
ping response time measurements etc.) in the config-
uration file.
(Experimental, under development, might change)

--global "x: a" add global config entries

--no-down do not look at admin or opr status of interfaces

--show-op-down show interfaces which are operatively down

--zero-speed=spd use this speed in bits-per-second as the interface
speed for all interfaces that return a speed of 0
via ifSpeed/ifHighSpeed. 100Mbps = 100000000

--subdirs=format give each router its own subdirectory, naming each per
"format", in which HOSTNAME and SNMPNAME will be
replaced by the values of those items -- for instance,
--subdirs=HOSTNAME or --subdirs="HOSTNAME (SNMPNAME)"

--noreversedns do not reverse lookup ip numbers

--community=cmty Set the default community string to "cmty" instead of

--enable-ipv6 Enable IPv6 support, if the required libraries are
present. Numeric IPv6 addresses must be enclosed
in square brackets, e.g. public@[2001:760:4::1]:161

--use-16bit Use 16bit SNMP request IDs to query all routers.


Specify default SNMP options to be appended to all
routers following. Individual fields can be empty.
Routers following might override some or all of the
options given to --snmp-options.

Specifies a domain to append to the name of all
routers following.

--nointerfaces Don't do generate any configuration lines for interfaces,
skip the step of gathering interface information and
don't run any interface template code.

--interfaces Generate configuration lines for interfaces (this is the
default). The main purpose of this option is to negate
an --nointerfaces appearing earlier on the command line.

--help brief help message
--man full documentation
--version print the version of cfgmaker

--output=file output filename default is STDOUT


Cfgmaker creates MRTG configuration files based on information pulled from a router or
another SNMP manageable device.


Community is the community name of the device you want to create a configuration for. If
not specified, it defaults to 'public'; you might want to try this first if you do not
know the community name of a device. If you are using the wrong community name you will
get no response from the device.

Router is the DNS name or the IP number of an SNMP-managable device. Following the name
you can specify 6 further options separated by colons. The full syntax looks like this:


Of special interest may be the last parameter, vers. If you set this to '2' then your
device will be queried with SNMP version 2 requests. This allows you to poll the 64 bit
traffic counters in the device and will thus work much better with fast interfaces (no
more counter overrun). Note that the order in which the routers are specified on the
command line do matter as the same order is used when the configuration file is generated.
The first specified router has it's configuration lines genrated first, followed by the
lines belonging to the next router and so on.

Note that the first line of the generated cfg file will contain all the commandline
options you used for generating it. This is to allow for the easy 'regeneration' in case
you want to add newhosts or make some other global change.

Except for the --output and --global options, all options affect only the routers
following them on the command line. If an option specified earlier on the command line
reappears later on the command line with another value, the new value overrides the old
value as far as remaining routers are concerned. This way options might be tailored for
groups of routers or for individual routers.

See --output and --global for how their behaviour is affected by where or how many times
they appear on the command line.

See the Examples below on how to set an option differently for multiple routers.

Print a brief help message and exit.

Prints the manual page and exits.

Print the version of cfgmaker. This should match the version of MRTG for which config
files are being created.

--ifref nr|ip|eth|descr|name
Select the interface identification method. Default is nr which identifies the router
interfaces by their number. Unfortunately the interface numbering scheme in an SNMP
tree can change. Some routers change their numbering when new interfaces are added,
others change thier numbering every full moon just for fun.

To work around this sad problem MRTG can identify interfaces by 4 other properties.
None of these works for all interfaces, but you should be able to find one which does
fine for you. Note that especially ethernet addrsses can be problematic as some
routers have the same ethernet address on most of their interface cards.

Select ip to identify the interface by its IP number. Use eth to use the ethernet
address for identification. Use descr to use the Interface description. Or use name to
use the Interface name.

You can specify multiple properties if you wish, separated by commas. In this case,
cfgmaker will use the first item in the list which can provide unique identification.
This allows you to specify, for example, to use IP address and to use ifName if this
is not defined:
--ifref ip,name

If your chosen method does not allow unique interface identification on the device you
are querying, cfgmaker will tell you about it.

--ifdesc nr|ip|eth|descr|name|type|alias
Select what to use as the description of the interface. The description appears in
the "Title[]" property for the target as well as the text header in the HTML code
defined in the target's "PageTop[]". Default is to use nr which is just the interface
number which isn't always useful to the viewer of the graphs.

There are 6 other properties which could be used. Use ip if you want to use the
interface's IP-address. Use eth if you want to use the interface's ethernet address.
If you want a better description, you can use either descr, name or alias. Exactly
what each of these do varies between different equipment so you might need to
experiment. For instance, for a serial interface on a Cisco router running IOS using
name might result in "S0" being the interface description , descr might result in
"Serial0" and alias might result in "Link to HQ" (provided that is what is used as the
interface's "description" in the router's configuration).

Finally, if you want to describe the interface by it's Btype (i.e "ethernetCSMA",
"propPointtoPoint" etc) you can use type.

You can specify multiple properties if you wish, separated by commas. In this case,
cfgmaker will use the first item in the list which is available for this interface.
This allows you to specify, for example, to use any of the different aliases in order
of preference.

--if-filter 'filter-expression'
First of all, this is under some development and is experimental.

Use this if you want to have better control over what interfaces gets included into
the configuration. The filter-expression is evaluated as a piece of Perl code and is
expected to return a truth value. If true, include the interface and if false,
exclude the interface.

For a further discussion on how these filters work, see the section "Details on
Filters" below.

--if-template template-file
First of all, this is under some development and is experimental.

Use this if you want to control what the line for each target should look like in the
configuration file. The contents of the file template-file will be evaluated as a
Perl program which generates the lines using certain variables for input and output.

For a further discussion on how these templates work, see the section "Details on
Temaplates" below.

--host-template template-file
First of all, this is under some development and is experimental.

Use this if you want to have some extra targets related to the host itself such as CPU
utilization, ping response time to the host, number of busy modems etc. The contents
of the file template-file will be evaluated once per host as a Perl program which
generates the lines using certain variables for input and output.

For a further discussion on how these templates work, see the section "Details on
Templates" below.

--community community-string
Use this to set the community for the routers following on the command line to
community-string. Individual routers might overrride this community string by using
the syntax community@router.

This option enables IPv6 support. It requires the appropriate perl modules; if they
are not found then IPv6 is disabled (see the ipv6 documentation).

cfgmaker will use IPv6 or IPv4 depending on the target. If the target is a numeric
address, the protocol depends on the type of address. If the target is a hostname,
cfgmaker will try to resolve the name first to an IPv6 address then to an IPv4

IPv6 numeric addresses must be specified between square braces.

For example:

cfgmaker --enable-ipv6 [2001:760:4::1]:165:::2

If the target has both an IPv6 address and an IPv4 address with the same hostname,
cfgmaker first queries the target using IPv6 and falls back to IPv4 if it fails. This
is useful for targets which don't support SNMP over IPv6.

This option forces the use of 16bit SNMP request IDs. Some broken SNMP agents do not
accept 32bit request IDs. Try to avoid this option as much as possible, complain to
your agent vendor instead.

--snmp-options :[port][:[timeout][:[retries][:[backoff][:version]]]]
Use this to set the default SNMP options for all routers following on the command
line. Individual values might be omitted as well as trailing colons. Note that
routers might override individual (or all) values specified by --snmp-options by using
the syntax


--global "bla: abc"
Use this to add global options to the generated config file. You can call --global
several times to add multiple options. The line will appear in the configuration just
before the config for the next router appearing on the command line.

--global "workdir: /home/mrtg"

If you want some default Options you might want to put

--global "options[_]: growright,bits"

Specifying --global after the last router on the command line will create a line in
the configuration file which will appear after all the routers.

Do not try to reverse lookup IP numbers ... a must for DNS free environments.

Normally cfgmaker will not include interfaces which are marked anything but
administratively and operationally UP. With this switch you get them all.

Include interfaces which are operatively down.

--zero-speed speed
Assign this speed in bits-per-second to all interfaces which return 0 for ifSpeed and
ifHighSpeed. Some switches, notably Foundry equipment, return a speed of zero for
some interfaces. For example, to have all interfaces reporting zero set to 100Mbps,
use --zero-speed=100000000.

--subdirs format
Give each router its own subdirectory for the HTML and graphics (or .rrd) files. The
directory name is the given format string with a couple of pattern replacements. The
string "HOSTNAME" will be replaced by the hostname of the router (however you
specified it on the cfgmaker commandline -- it may be an actual hostname or just an IP
address), and "SNMPNAME" will be replaced with the device's idea of its own name (the
same name that appears on the right side of the "Title" lines). For instance, a call

cfgmaker --subdirs=HOSTNAME__SNMPNAME [email protected]

would result in the generation of lines looking something like:


--output file
Write the output from cfgmaker into the file file. The default is to use "STDOUT".
--output is expected to appear only once on the command line. If used multiple times,
the file specified by the last --output will be used.

Don't generate configuration lines for interfaces.

This makes cfgmaker skip all steps related to interfaces which means it will not do
any polling of the router to retrieve interface information which speeds up the
execution of cfgmaker and it will neither run any interface templates.

This makes cfgmaker generate configuration lines for interfaces (the default

The main usage of this option is to negate an --nointerfaces appearing earlier on the
command line.

SNMP V3 Options
Cfgmaker supports SNMP V3 using the Net:SNMP perl module. There are optional parameters
affecting SNMP operation.

--enablesnmpv3 {yes|no}
The --enablesnmpv3 option is an optional flag to check for the presence of the
Net::SNMP libraries. Cfgmaker will try to determine whether this flag is required and
will set the values automatically.

SNMPv3 Arguments

A SNMP context is a collection of management information accessible by a SNMP entity. An
item of management information may exist in more than one context and a SNMP entity
potentially has access to many contexts. The combination of a contextEngineID and a
contextName unambiguously identifies a context within an administrative domain. In a
SNMPv3 message, the contextEngineID and contextName are included as part of the scopedPDU.
All methods that generate a SNMP message optionally take a --contextengineid and
--contextname argument to configure these fields.

Context Engine ID
The --contextengineid argument expects a hexadecimal string representing the desired
contextEngineID. The string must be 10 to 64 characters (5 to 32 octets) long and can
be prefixed with an optional "0x". Once the --contextengineid is specified it stays
with the object until it is changed again or reset to default by passing in the
undefined value. By default, the contextEngineID is set to match the
authoritativeEngineID of the authoritative SNMP engine.

Context Name
The contextName is passed as a string which must be 0 to 32 octets in length using the
--contextname argument. The contextName stays with the object until it is changed.
The contextName defaults to an empty string which represents the "default" context.

User-based Security Model Arguments

The User-based Security Model (USM) used by SNMPv3 requires that a securityName be
specified using the --username argument. The creation of a Net::SNMP object with the
version set to SNMPv3 will fail if the --username argument is not present. The --username
argument expects a string 1 to 32 octets in length.

Different levels of security are allowed by the User-based Security Model which address
authentication and privacy concerns. A SNMPv3 target will derive the security level
(securityLevel) based on which of the following arguments are specified.

By default a securityLevel of 'noAuthNoPriv' is assumed. If the --authkey or
--authpassword arguments are specified, the securityLevel becomes 'authNoPriv'. The
--authpassword argument expects a string which is at least 1 octet in length. Optionally,
the --authkey argument can be used so that a plain text password does not have to be
specified in a script. The --authkey argument expects a hexadecimal string produced by
localizing the password with the authoritativeEngineID for the specific destination
device. The "snmpkey" utility included with the Net::SNMP distribution can be used to
create the hexadecimal string (see snmpkey).

Two different hash algorithms are defined by SNMPv3 which can be used by the Security
Model for authentication. These algorithms are HMAC-MD5-96 "MD5" (RFC 1321) and
HMAC-SHA-96 "SHA-1" (NIST FIPS PUB 180-1). The default algorithm used by the module is
HMAC-MD5-96. This behavior can be changed by using the --authprotocol argument. This
argument expects either the string 'md5' or 'sha' to be passed to modify the hash

By specifying the arguments --privkey or --privpassword the securityLevel associated with
the object becomes 'authPriv'. According to SNMPv3, privacy requires the use of
authentication. Therefore, if either of these two arguments are present and the --authkey
or --authpassword arguments are missing, the creation of the object fails. The --privkey
and --privpassword arguments expect the same input as the --authkey and --authpassword
arguments respectively.

The User-based Security Model described in RFC 3414 defines a single encryption protocol
to be used for privacy. This protocol, CBC-DES "DES" (NIST FIPS PUB 46-1), is used by
default or if the string 'des' is passed to the --privprotocol argument. By working with
the Extended Security Options Consortium http://www.snmp.com/eso/, the module also
supports additional protocols which have been defined in draft specifications. The draft
http://www.snmp.com/eso/draft-reeder-snmpv3-usm-3desede-00.txt defines the support of
CBC-3DES-EDE "Triple-DES" (NIST FIPS 46-3) in the User-based Security Model. This
protocol can be selected using the --privprotocol argument with the string '3desede'. The
draft http://www.snmp.com/eso/draft-blumenthal-aes-usm-04.txt describes the use of
CFB128-AES-128/192/256 "AES" (NIST FIPS PUB 197) in the USM. The three AES encryption
protocols, differentiated by their key sizes, can be selected by passing 'aescfb128',
'aescfb192', or 'aescfb256' to the -privprotocol argument.

Details on Filters
The purpose of the filters is to decide which interfaces to accept and which interfaces to
reject. This decision is done for each interface by evaluating the filter expression as a
piece of Perl code and investigating the result of the evaluation. If true, accept the
interface otherwise reject it.

When working with filters, remember that Perl has it's own idea of what truth and false
is. The empty string "" and the string "0" are false, all other strings are true. This
further imples that any integer value of 0 is false as well as any undef value. It also
implies that all references are considered true.

As the filter is evaluated as a Perl expression, several useful constructs in Perl are
worth mentioning:

Expressions might be grouped by using parentheses "()". Expressions might be combined
using boolean operators such as the following:

"and" (equivalent with "&&")
Boolean "and" of the two expressions, is only true if both expressions are true.
Example: expression1 and expression2

"or" (equivalent with "||")
Boolean "or" of the two expressions, is true if either or both expressions are true.
Example: expression1 or expression2

"not" (equivalent with "!")
Boolean negation of a single expression. Example: not expression . Yet another
example: !expression

(For more details on this I recommend a book on Perl)

Predefined Filter Variables

To facilitate, there are a number of predefined values available to use in the filter.
Note that these variables are also available when templates interfaces are evaluated (but
not host templates).

Caveat: All these variables' names begin with a dollar sign ($), which is a syntactic
requirement for scalar variables in Perl. The danger here is that the dollar sign in many
shells is an active character (often used for shell variables exactly as in Perl
variables) so it is important to ensure that the Perl expression isn't evaluated by the
command line shell as shell code before being passed to cfgmaker as command line
arguments. In shells like Bourne shell, ksh shell or bash shell, placing the entire
expression within single qoutes will avoid such accidental evaluation:

'--if-filter=($default_iftype && $if_admin)'

This is an integer specifying the interface type as per the SNMP standards and as
reported by the polled device. A complete list of interface types would be
impractical for this document , but there are a number predefined varables below.
Normally, cfgmaker puts in the target's PageTop this iftype value within paranthesis
after the name of the interface type. (e.g "propPointToPointSerial (22)").

Here's a list of some of the most common interface types by number:

6 ethernetCsmacd
7 iso88023Csmacd
9 iso88025TokenRing
15 fddi
19 E1
20 basicISDN
21 primaryISDN
22 propPointToPointSerial
23 ppp
24 softwareLoopback
30 ds3
32 frame-relay
33 rs232
37 atm
39 sonet
44 frameRelayService
46 hssi
49 aal5
53 propVirtual
62 Fast Ethernet (100BaseT)
63 ISDN & X.25
69 Full Duplex Fast Ethernet (100BaseFX)
94 Asymetric Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL)
117 Gigabit Ethernet
134 ATM Sub Interface

True if and only if cfgmaker normally should accepted the interface based on the
interfaces administrative and operational state (taking the flags --no-down and
--show-op-down into account) and it's type (and a few other things).

True if and only if cfgmaker would have accepted the interface based on it's
operational and administrative states (also taking into account the presence of the
flags --no-down and --show-op-down).

True if and only if cfgmaker would have accepted the interface based on it's type (and
a few type specific details in addition).

True if and only if the interface is in an adminstrative up state.

True if and only if the interface is in an operational up state.

A number of variables are also predefined to easily decide if an interface belong to a
certain cathegory or not. Below is all those variables listed together with which if_type
numbers each variable will be true for. Note that some variables refer to other variables
as well.

True for ethernet interfaces (nr 6, 7, 26, 62, 69 and 117).

True for various ISDN interface types (nr 20, 21, 63, 75, 76 and 77)

True for dial-up interfaces such as PPP as well as ISDN. (nr 23, 81, 82 and 108 in
addition to the numbers of $if_is_isdn).

True for miscellaneous ATM related interface types (nr 37, 49, 107, 105, 106, 114 and

True for WAN interfaces point to point, Frame Relay and High Speed Serial (

True for LAN interfaces (8, 9, 11, 15, 26, 55, 59, 60 and 115 in addition to the
numbers of $if_is_ethernet).

True for ADSL, RDSL, HDSL and SDSL (nr 94, 95, 96, 97)

True for software loopback interfaces (nr 24)

True for Cisco VLAN interfaces (interfaces with the word Vlan or VLAN in their

Returns the vlan id associated with a specific port on Cisco Catalyst switches under
both Catalyst OS and IOS, and 3Com switches. If it is not a vlan interface, will
return undef.

Returns the trunking state of a specific port on Cisco Catalyst switches under both
Catalyst OS and IOS. Returns "1" if the interface is a trunk, undef otherwise.

Returns the Maximum Transfer Unit associated with a specific port.

Besides that, you can also use the variables defined for templates below. Further, all
the variables available in cfgmaker is at the scripts disposal even if the use of such
features is discouraged. More "shortcuts" in the form of variables and functions will be
made available in the future instead.

Examples on Filters

The following filter will not affect which interfaces get's included or excluded, it will
make cfgmaker behave as normally.


The following filter will make cfgmaker exclude PPP (23) interfaces:

'--if-filter=$default && $if_type!=23'

The following filter will make cfgmaker behave as usual except that it will consider the
operational state of an interface irrelevant but still reject all interfaces which are
administratively down.

'--if-filter=$if_admin && $default_iftype'

Details on Templates
The contents of the template files are evaluated as a Perl program. A number or Perl
variables are available for the program to read and others are used to be written to.

As quite a few of the predefined variables has values which are are supposed to be used in
HTML code some of them have an "HTML-escaped" variant, e.g $html_syslocation is the HTML
escaped variant of $syslocation. The HTML escaping means that the chars "<", ">" and "&"
are replaced by "&lt;", "&gt;" and "&amp;" and that newlines embedded in the string are
prepended with "<BR>" and appended with a space character (if a newline is last in the
string it is not touched).

Writable Template Variables

These are the variables available to store the configuration lines in. Some of them are
initialized prior to the evaluation of the template but such content normally is comments
for inclusion in the final configuration file so those variables might be reset to the
empty string in the template code to eliminate the comments. The other way around is also
possible, the contents of these variables might be extended with further information for
various reasons such as debugging etc.

Once the template has been evaluated, the following happens: if the template is a
interface template and the actual interface for some reason is rejected and thus needs to
be commented out, all the lines in the variable $target_lines are turned into comments by
adding a hash mark ("#") at their beginning. Then all the variables $head_lines,
$problem_lines , $target_lines and $separator_lines are concatenated together to form the
lines to add to the configuration file.

This variable is the placeholder for the configuration lines created by the template.
$target_lines is predefined to be empty when the template code is evaluated.

This variable is intended to be the placeholder for the comment line appearing just
before the target in the configuration file. It is initialized with that comment line
before the evaluation of the template code and if the template doesn't modify
$head_lines during evaluation, the comment will look like usual in the config file.

This variable is intended to be the placholder for the comment lines describing any
problems which might have been encountered when trying to add the target into the
configuration. For host templates it's normally not used and for those it's
predefined as the empty string. For interface templates $problem_lines is predefined
with the error description comments which cfgmaker normally would use for rejected
interfaces or as the empty string for accepted interfaces.

It is possible to test against $problem_lines to find out if an interface will be
included or rejected but this is not recommended. Test against $if_ok instead.

This variable is the placeholder for the string to use as the separator between the
code for individual targets. The contents of this variable is put after each target
(so the lines will appear after the end of the last target in the config as well).

Predefined Template Variables

All the variables below are available for interface templates to use. For host templates,
only those listed under "Host and System Variables" are available.

For interface templates the variables listed under "Predefined Filter Variables" are also

Host and System Variables

This is the fully qualified name for the router. It is affected by the following
items on the command line: the router name itself and --dns-domain.

This is the reference string for the router being polled. It is on the form
community@router possibly followed by some snmp options. It is affected by the
following items on the command line: the router name itself, --community,
--snmp-options and --dns-domain. (There's no HTML escaped variant available)

This variable should contain the directory name as cfgmaker normally would use as the
value for the "Directory[]" directive. The value is determined by the --subdirs
command line option. If --subdirs isn't specified $directory_name will be the empty
string. (There's no HTML escaped variant available)

This variable is the router's SNMP sysContact value. (HTML escaped variant:

This variable is the router's SNMP sysName value. (No HTML escaped variant available)

This variable is the router's SNMP sysLocation value. (HTML escaped variant:

This variable is the router's SNMP sysDescr value. It is normally not used by
cfgmaker but might be useful in a template. (HTML escaped variant: $html_sysdescr)

Interface Target Related Variables

This is what cfgmaker normally would use as the the name of the target. The target
name is what is found within the square brackets, "[]", for target directives.
(There's no HTML escaped variant available)

This the reference string for the interface. It is expected to be used in the
"Target[xyz]" directive to distinguish what interface to use. The value of this
variable is affected by the --ifref command line option. It is normally used together
with $router_connect. (There's no HTML escaped variant available)

This variable is true if the interface is going to be included into the configuration
file, otherwise false. Don't test against other variables such as $problem_lines to
find out if an interface will be rejected or not, use this $if_ok instead.

This variable contains all the target lines which cfgmaker by default outputs for this
interface. It's useful if you want to have the "standard target" but want to add some
extra lines to it by using a template.

By default cfgmaker uses the following directives for each target it generates: Target[],
SetEnv[], MaxBytes[], Title[], PageTop[] and if there is any directory specified also the
Directory[] directive.

To facilitate the creation of templates which generates target configs which are similar
to the default one, each of the above mentioned directive lines have a corresponding
variable containing the line as cfgmaker would have output it by default.

Note that none of these have a HTML escaped variant, text in them is HTML escaped where
needed. Also note that they do not have any newline at the end.

This variable contains the default string for the Target[] directive line.

This variable contains the default string for the SetEnv[] directive line.

This variable contains the default string for the Directory[] directive line which
means it is an empty string (with no newline) if there's no directory.

This variable contains the default string for the MaxBytes[] directive line.

This variable contains the default string for the Title[] directive line.

This variable contains the default string for the PageTop[] directive lines.

Interface Network Configuration Variables

This variable should contain the IP-address of the interface, if any has been assigned
to it. (There's no HTML escaped variant available)

This variable is the SNMP ifIndex for the interface which per definition always is an
integer. (There's no HTML escaped variant available)

Equivalent with $ifindex.

Contains the ethernet address of the interface, if any. (There's no HTML escaped
variant available)

This variable is the speed in bytes/second (with prefixes). (There's no HTML escaped
variant available)

This variable is a cooked speed description which is either in bits or bytes depending
on wether or not the bits option is active and also with the proper prefix for the
speed (k, M, G etc). (No HTML escaped variant available)

This variable is a textual description of the interface type. (HTML escaped variant:

This variable the integer value corresponding to the interface type (for a listing for
the value for the more common interface types, see the section DETAILS ON FILTERS
above). (No HTML escaped variant available)

This is the DNS name for the interface. (No HTML escaped variant available)

Interface Name, Description and Alias Variables

It might seem confusing with both Name, Description and Alias in this context and to some
extent it is. Name and Description are usually supported on most equipment but how they
are used varies, both between manufacturers as well as between different cathegories of
equipment from the same manufacturer. The Alias is at least supported by Cisco IOS, and
that variable contains whatever is used in the IOS statement called "description" for the
interface (not to be confused with the SNMP variables for Description).

For better control from the command line consider $if_title_desc which contents are
controlled by the --if-descr command line option.

This variable should contain the "raw" description of the interface as determined by
the SNMP polling of the router. (HTML escaped variant: $html_if_snmp_descr)

The "raw" name for the interface as provided by SNMP polling. (HTML escaped variant:

The "raw" ifAlias for the interface as provided by SNMP polling. (HTML escaped
variant: $html_if_snmp_alias)

The "raw" CiscolocIfDescr for the interface as provided by SNMP polling. (HTML
escaped variant: $html_if_cisco_descr)

This is the "cooked" description string for the interface, taking into account the
SNMP values found for the interface's RDescr, ifAlias and CiscolocIfDescr. (HTML
escaped variant: $html_if_description)

The full string cfgmaker by default would have used for the Title[] directive in the
configuration as well as the content of the topmost H1 tag in the PageTop[]. Is
composed by the contents of $desc_prefix, $if_title_desc and $sysname.

As $if_title depends on $if_title_desc, it is possible to indirectly control $if_title
by using the command line option --if-descr.

(HTML escaped variant: $html_if_title)

If the host is a Cisco Catalyst LAN switch, this variable is the name of that port.
(No HTML escaped variant available)

If the host is a Nortel Passport LAN switch, this variable is the name of that port.
(No HTML escaped variant available)

This variable is a prefix of the description of what the target is to use in the
"Title[]" directive and in the H1 section of the "PageTop[]". Default is "Traffic
analysis for ". (HTML escaped variant: $html_desc_prefix)

This is the description of the interface normally used by cfgmaker as part of the
variable $if_title. The latter is used as the full string in the "Title[]" directove
and the H1 section in the PageTop[].

$if_title_desc is controlled by the command line option --if-descr which indirectly
controls the contents of $if_title

(HTML escaped variant: $html_if_title_desc)

Help Functions for Templates

The following functions exists to facilitate the writing of host and interface templates.

html_escape() takes a string as an argument and returns a new string where the
following substitutions has been done: the chars "<", ">" and "&" are replaced by
"&lt;", "&gt;" and "&amp;" and that newlines embedded in the string are prepended with
"<BR>" and appended with a space character (newlines at the end of the string are not

This function will try to poll each of the oids specified until it is successful or
has run out of oids. It will return the name of the first oid that worked or undef if
it is not successful

Example Template Files

Template Example 1: Eliminating Rejected Targets From Appearing

This template file generates exactly the same configuration code per interface as cfgmaker
does by default, with the exception that it eliminates all lines (comments as well as
config code) for an interface if the interface happens to be rejected.

if(not $problem_lines)
$target_lines .= <<ECHO;

Target[$target_name]: $if_ref:$router_connect
SetEnv[$target_name]: MRTG_INT_IP="$if_ip" MRTG_INT_DESCR="$if_snmp_descr"

if ($directory_name) {
$target_lines .= "Directory[$target_name]: $directory_name\n";

$target_lines .= <<ECHO;
MaxBytes[$target_name]: $if_speed
Title[$target_name]: $html_desc_prefix$html_if_title_desc -- $sysname
PageTop[$target_name]: <h1>$html_desc_prefix$html_if_title_desc -- $sysname</h1>
<div id="sysdetails">
<td>$sysname in $html_syslocation</td>
<td>$html_if_type_desc ($if_type_num)</td>

$target_lines .= <<ECHO if defined $if_port_name;
<td>Port Name:</td>

$target_lines .= <<ECHO if defined $if_pp_port_name;
<td>Port Name:</td>

$target_lines .= <<ECHO;
<td>Max Speed:</td>

$target_lines .= <<ECHO if $if_ip;
<td>$if_ip ($if_dns_name)</td>

$target_lines .= <<ECHO;
} else {

Template Example 2: Simplier Version of Example 1

Example 1 was partly intended to demonstrate how to customize the generation of interface
targets but also to provide a hint of how the variables are used in the "default" template
which one could consider that cfgmaker normally uses.

If you're only intrested in the easiest way of entirely eliminating those reject
interfaces, the template below would do the job as well by using $default_target_lines.

if($if_ok) {
$target_lines = $default_target_lines;
} else {

Template Example 3: Creating CPU Targets for Hosts

Below is an example of a host template.

$head_lines .= <<ECHO;

my $target_name = $router_name . ".cpu";

$target_lines .= <<ECHO;

YLegend[$target_name]: Percentage CPU load
ShortLegend[$target_name]: %
Legend1[$target_name]: CPU load in %
Legend3[$target_name]: Max Observed CPU load
LegendI[$target_name]: &nbsp;CPU Load:
WithPeak[$target_name]: ywm
MaxBytes[$target_name]: 100
Options[$target_name]: growright, gauge, nopercent
Title[$target_name]: $router_name CPU load
PageTop[$target_name]: <h1>$router_name CPU load</h1>
<td>$router_name in $html_syslocation</td>


The first example creates a config file for router.place.xyz: the router has the
community name public. Interfaces get identified by their IP number. Two global options
get added to the config file. The config file gets redirected to mrtg.conf. The '\'
signs at the end of the line mean that this command should be written on a single line.

cfgmaker --global "WorkDir: /home/tobi" \
--global "Options[_]: growright,bits" \
--ifref=ip \
[email protected] > mrtg.cfg

Note: if cfgmaker is not in your path, but you are in the directory where cfgmaker is
stored, you can start it with ./cfgmaker

The next example creates a config file for four devices: router1.place.xyz,
router2.place.xyz, switch1.place.xyz and switch2.place.xyz all with the community public.

The two routers will have --ifref set to descr whilst the two switches will use --ifref
set to name. Further the routers will use --ifdesc set to alias and switch1.place.xyz
will use --ifdesc set to descr whilst switch2.place.xyz use name instead.

Finally, there will be two Options lines inserted in the configuration: One will be in the
beginning, whilst the other will be inserted after the lines related to the two routers
but before those lines related to the switches.

cfgmaker --global "WorkDir: /home/tobi" \
--global "Options[_]: growright,bits" \
--ifref=descr \
--ifdesc=alias \
[email protected] \
[email protected] \
--global "Options[_]: growright" \
--ifref=name \
--ifdesc=descr \
[email protected] \
--ifdesc=name \
[email protected] > mrtg.cfg

The next example demonstrates how to use the --community, --snmp-options and --dns-domain
to make the command line simpler. All the equipment will use the community hidden, except
for the ppp-server which use community access. All equipment uses these SNMP options: 1s
timeout, 1 retry and SNMP version 2 (backoff and port is unspecified which means they use
the default values). The exception again is the ppp-server which uses SNMP version 1.
Finally, all the equipment is part of the domain place.xyz, except for the ppp-server
which is part of the domain remote.place.xyz. Note that the latter is achieved simply by
specifying the name of the ppp-server to be ppp-server.remote .

cfgmaker --global "WorkDir: /home/tobi" \
--global "Options[_]: growright,bits" \
--dns-domain=place.xyz \
--community=hidden \
--snmp-options=::1:1::2 \
router1 \
router2 \
router3 \
router4 \
router5 \
switch1 \
switch2 \
switch3 \
switch4 \
switch5 \
switch6 \
switch7 \
[email protected]:::::1 > mrtg.cfg

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