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coveralls - Online in the Cloud

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coveralls - Coveralls API client utility


coveralls sub-command


Coveralls is a command-line utility to interact with Coveralls web service to help you
track your code coverage over time, and ensure that all your new code is fully covered.

Coveralls automatically collects your code coverage data, uploads it to their servers and
gives you a nice interface to dig into it.

Any type of Ruby project or test framework supported by SimpleCov is supported by the
Coveralls gem. This includes all your favorites, like RSpec, Cucumber, and Test::Unit.


Describe available commands or one specific command.

last View the last build for this repository on Coveralls.

open View this repository on Coveralls.

push Runs your test suite and pushes the coverage results to Coveralls.

report Runs your test suite locally and displays coverage statistics.

View this repository on your CI service´s website.

See version.


Coveralls for Ruby uses an optional .coveralls.yml file at the root level of your
repository to configure options.

The option repo_token (found on your repository´s page on Coveralls) is used to specify
which project on Coveralls your project maps to. This is only needed for repos not using a
CI and should be kept secret -- anyone could use it to submit coverage data on your repo´s
behalf. This shouldn´t be a concern for private repos, however.

Another important option is service_name which allows you to specify where Coveralls
should look to find additional information about your builds. This can be any string, but
using travis-ci or travis-pro will allow Coveralls to fetch branch data, comment on pull
requests, and more.

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