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dupload - Online in the Cloud

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dupload - utility to upload Debian packages


dupload [options] [changes_file | dir] ...


dupload is a tool that enables Debian developers to easily upload their packages to the
Debian archive. At least for chiark the upload procedure is somewhat error prone (upload
to Incoming/, move it to queue/).

dupload checks each non-option argument to find readable files or directories. It parses
the files as .changes files, or tries to find such files in the given directories.

dupload will warn if the name of the file doesn't end with ".changes". Further processing
is done chdir'ed into the directories of the changes files.

dupload tests the available checksums and size for each file listed in the .changes file,
and fails if it finds a mismatch. If all this goes well, dupload checks if there is an
.upload file with the basename of the .changes file. If the file to be uploaded is
recorded to have already been uploaded to the specified host, it is skipped.

dupload will stop and verify if it sees you try to upload a package with a non-US Section
field to a host that is neither non-us.debian.org, security.debian.org nor has the "nonus"
option set to 1.

After the list of files to upload is finished, dupload tries to connect to the server and
upload. Each successfully uploaded file is recorded in the .upload log file.

If all files of a package are processed, the .changes file is mailed to the announcement
address specified in the configuration file. If files with
package.announce, package_UPSTREAMVER.announce, or
package_UPSTREAMVER-DEBIANREV.announce exist, these files get prepended to the
announcement. UPSTREAMVER and DEBIANREV are to be replaced with actual version numbers.
For example, if your package is called foobar, has upstream version 3.14, and Debian
revision 2:

If you only want the announcement to be made with only ONE upload, you name it

If you want it to be made with every upload of a particular upstream version, name it

If you want it made with every upload of a given package, name it foobar.announce.

Please note: Some mail readers (like elm w/ PGP extensions) don't show mail contents
outside of the signed part of a message.

Login and password
If no login (username) is defined in the configuration file, "anonymous" is used. The
password is derived from your login name and your hostname, which is common for anonymous
FTP logins. For anonymous logins only, you can provide the "password" in the
configuration file.

For logins other than "anonymous", you're asked for the password. For security reasons
there's no way to supply it via the commandline or the environment.

FTP / scp / rsync
The default transfer method is FTP. Alternative methods are scp/SSH and rsync/SSH. For
scp and rsync, the default login is taken from your local user name.

The scp/SSH method only works properly if no password is required (see ssh(1)). When you
use scp, it is recommended to set the "method" keyword to "scpb", which will transfer all
files in a batch.

If you are using an upload queue, use FTP because it's fast. If you are using an
authenticated host, always use scp or rsync via SSH, because FTP transmits the password in
clear text.


-d --debug [level]
Enable more verbose output from the FTP module.

-f --force Upload regardless of the transfers logged as already completed.

-k --keep Keep going, skipping packages whose checksums don't match.

-c --configfile
Read the file ./dupload.conf (if it exists). Warning: this is a security risk
if you are in a directory where other people can write. That's why it is not
the default (unlike the previous versions).

--no Dry run, no files are changed, no upload is attempted, only tell what we would

--nomail Supress announcement for this run. You can send it later by just calling
dupload again w/o this option. Note that this option is by default implied for
all hosts with the "dinstall_runs" option set to 1.

--mailonly Acts as if --no has been specified and but sends the announcements,

--noarchive Adds a "X-No-Archive: yes" header so that the announcement will not be
archived. You can use the per-host "archive" option in the configuration file.

-p --print Print the "database" as read from the config files and exit. If a host is
specified via option --to, only this host's entry is displayed.

-q --quiet Be quiet, i.e. supress normal output.

-t --to nickname optional
Upload to nickname'd host. nickname is the key for doing lookups in the
config file. You can use the "default_host" configuration option to specify a
host without --to.

-V --Version
Prints version and exits.

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