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flipbook - Online in the Cloud

Run flipbook in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

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flipbook - multi-frame editor and viewer derived from drawtool


flipbook [-bookgeom] [-slideshow sec] ['X-params'] [file]


flipbook is a program derived from idraw/drawtool that supports multi-frame graphic
display. The zeroth frame is always visible as the background frame, and in front of it
is displayed the current frame (1 thru n).

The Frame menu controls the frame display mechanism. The operations are:

Menu Item Keyboard Description
-------------- -------- -----------
Move Forward ^F move forward one frame
Move Backward ^B move backward one frame
Goto First Frame move to the first frame
Goto Last Frame move to the last frame
New Forward F create new frame in front of the current
frame and make it the current frame
New Backward B create new frame in back of the current
frame and make it the current frame
Copy Forward X copy current frame in front of itself
Copy Backward Y copy current frame in back of itself
Delete D delete current frame (the zeroth frame
can never be deleted)

By default a flipbook document is positioned on the first frame when opened (if one
exists). "Move Backward" can be used to move to the background frame when positioned on
the first frame. "Move Forward" then returns to the first frame.

The New command creates a document with only a background frame. The "New After" command
can then be used to initialize the first frame ("New Before" does not work when the
current frame is the background frame).

flipbook save/restores its documents with a document format specific to flipbook (and
possibly programs derived from flipbook). Idraw format drawings can be imported via the
"Import Graphic" command (under the File menu). The rest of the flexibile import
mechanism of drawtool is supported as well. "Export Graphic" exports currently selected
graphics in idraw or drawtool format. The Print command (under the File menu) generates a
multi-page Postscript document, one page per frame except for the zeroth frame which is
always the background.


"-bookgeom" brings up the flipbook in landscape mode, with a 906 by 700 pixel page size.
Useful for viewing illustrated books prepared in this mode.

"-slideshow sec" continuously plays the contents of a flipbook file with "sec" delay
between frames (currently only available when built with ACE).

Also see "-help" for more options, and the comdraw, drawtool, and idraw man pages.

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