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fntsample - PDF and PostScript font samples generator


fntsample -h


fntsample program can be used to generate font samples that show Unicode coverage of the
font and are similar in appearance to Unicode charts. Samples can be saved into PDF
(default) or PostScript file.


fntsample supports the following options.

--font-file, -f FONT-FILE
Make samples of FONT-FILE.

--font-index, -n IDX
Font index for FONT-FILE specified using --font-file option. Useful for files that
contain multiple fonts, like TrueType Collections (.ttc). By default font with
index 0 is used.

--output-file, -o OUTPUT-FILE
Write output to OUTPUT-FILE.

--other-font-file, -d OTHER-FONT
Compare FONT-FILE with OTHER-FONT. Glyphs added to FONT-FILE will be highlighted.

--other-index, -m IDX
Font index for OTHER-FONT specified using --other-font-file option.

--postscript-output, -s
Use PostScript format for output instead of PDF.

--svg, -g
Use SVG format for output. The generated document contains one page. Use range
selection options to specify which.

--print-outline, -l
Print document outlines data to standard output. This data can be used to add
outlines (aka bookmarks) to resulting PDF file with pdfoutline program.

--include-range, -i RANGE
Show characters in RANGE.

--exclude-range, -x RANGE
Do not show characters in RANGE.

--style, -t "STYLE: VAL"
Set STYLE to value VAL. Run fntsample with option --help to see list of styles and
default values.

--no-embed, -e
Draw the outlines of the glyphs instead of embedding them in the PDF file. This
can be used when embedding the font is not desired or not allowed.

--help, -h
Display help text and exit.

Parameter RANGE for -i and -x can be given as one integer or a pair of integers delimited
by minus sign (-). Integers can be specified in decimal, hexadecimal (0x...) or octal
(0...) format. One integer of a pair can be missing (-N can be used to specify all
characters with codes less or equal to N, and N- for all characters with codes greather or
equal to N). Multiple -i and -x options can be used.


Glyph cells can have one of several background colors. Meaning of those colors is

white normal glyph present in the font, this includes space glyphs that are usually

gray this glyph is defined in Unicode but not present in the font;

blue this is a control character;

black this glyph is not defined in Unicode;

yellow this is a new glyph (only when used with -d).


Make PDF samples for font.ttf and write them to file samples.pdf:
fntsample -f font.ttf -o samples.pdf

Make PDF samples for font.ttf, compare it with oldfont.ttf and highlight new glyphs. Write
output to file samples.pdf:
fntsample -f font.ttf -d oldfont.ttf -o samples.pdf

Make PostScript samples for font.ttf and write output to file samples.ps. Show only
glyphs for characters with codes less or equal to U+04FF but exclude U+0370-U+03FF:
fntsample -f font.ttf -s -o samples.ps -i -0x04FF -x 0x0370-0x03FF

Make PDF samples for font.ttf and save output to file samples.pdf adding outlines to it:
fntsample -f font.ttf -o temp.pdf -l > outlines.txt
pdfoutline temp.pdf outlines.txt samples.pdf

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