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FvwmDebug - the fvwm module debugger


FvwmDebug should be spawned by fvwm(1) for normal functionality.

To run this module, place this command somewhere in the configuration:

Module FvwmDebug [optional-params]

To stop this module, execute:

KillModule FvwmDebug


This module persistently dumps all fvwm event details and optionally some other
information into the standard error stream or a file, good for debugging purposes. The
output may be optionally redirected to xconsole or similar window.


There are several command line switches:

FvwmDebug [ --args|--noargs ] [ --events|--noevents ] [ --log file ] [ --xconsole ] [
--mask mask ] [ --xmask mask ] [ --debug level ] [ --track tracker-name ] [
--send-configinfo ] [ --send-windowlist ]

Long switches may be abbreviated to shorter switches.

--noargs - do not print all arguments of the event, just its name. --args is the default.

--noevents - do not print even event names, implies --noargs. It is similar in effect to
setting both --mask and --xmask to 0, but the events are actually received by the module,
they are just not printed.

This option may be useful if --track or/and --debug is used.

The default is --events normally, and --noevents if one or more --track options specified.

-l|--log file - specify the log file name instead of the standard error stream. If the log
file can't be open for writing, the default standard error stream is used.

The file may start with a pipe '|', this is similar to the usual meaning of a pipe, the
output is piped to the specified command. See also --xconsole option.

-xc|--xconsole - this is a shortcut for:

FvwmDebug --log '|xconsole -file /dev/stdin -geometry 600x400 -notify'

That shows the module output in the xconsole window rather than the standard error stream.

-m|--mask mask - set the module mask, 31 bit integer. By default almost all events are
monitored (except for some flood events like CONFIGURE_WINDOW or FOCUS_WINDOW. The special
value of -1 sets the maximal mask.

-x|--xmask mask - set the module extended mask, 31 bit integer. By default almost all
events are monitored (except for some flood events like ENTER_WINDOW or LEAVE_WINDOW. The
special value of -1 sets the maximal extended mask.

-d|--debug level - use the Perl library debugging mechanism. The useful levels are 2 to 4.

-t|--track tracker-name - create the given Perl library tracker and observe its main
observable. This option may be specified multiple times. This options implies --noevents
unless explicitly overwritten. You may optionally try --debug, for example:

FvwmDebug -xc --track PageInfo --track GlobalConfig --debug 3

Run "fvwm-perllib man" to get the names of all existing trackers in your installed Perl

-sc|--send-configinfo - send Send_ConfigInfo command to fvwm on startup, this results in a
lot of events received.

-sw|--send-windowlist - send Send_WindowList command to fvwm on startup, this results in a
lot of events received.

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