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g.listgrass - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command g.listgrass that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



g.list - Lists available GRASS data base files of the user-specified data type optionally
using the search pattern.


general, map management, list


g.list --help
g.list [-iretmpf] type=datatype[,datatype,...] [pattern=string] [exclude=string]
[mapset=name[,name,...]] [separator=character] [region=name] [output=name]
[--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Ignore case

Use basic regular expressions instead of wildcards

Use extended regular expressions instead of wildcards

Print data types

Print fully-qualified map names (including mapsets)

Pretty printing in human readable format

Verbose listing (also list map titles)

Allow output files to overwrite existing files

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

type=datatype[,datatype,...] [required]
Data type(s)
Options: raster, raster_3d, vector, label, region, group, all
raster: raster map(s)
raster_3d: 3D raster map(s)
vector: vector map(s)
label: paint label file(s)
region: region definition(s)
group: imagery group(s)
all: all types

Map name search pattern (default: all)

Map name exclusion pattern (default: none)

Name of mapset to list (default: current search path)
’.’ for current mapset; ’*’ for all mapsets in location

Field separator
Special characters: pipe, comma, space, tab, newline
Default: newline

Name of saved region for map search (default: not restricted)
’.’ for current region; ’*’ for default region

Name for output file
If not given or ’-’ then standard output


g.list searches for data files matching a pattern given by wildcards or POSIX Extended
Regular Expressions.


The output of g.list may be useful for other programs’ parameter input (e.g. time series
for r.series) when used with separator=comma.


List all raster maps as continuous, sorted list:
g.list type=rast
List all vector maps as continuous, sorted list with MAPSET info (i.e. fully-qualified
map names):
g.list type=vector -m
List all raster and vector maps ordered by mapset:
g.list type=raster -p
List all raster and vector maps as continuous, sorted list:
g.list type=rast,vect
List all available GRASS data base files:
g.list type=all

Mapset search path
If mapset is not specified than g.list searches for data files in the mapsets which are
included in the search path (defined by g.mapsets), see g.mapsets -p.
g.list rast -p
raster map(s) available in mapset <user1>:
raster map(s) available in mapset <PERMANENT>:
By option mapset=. (one dot) can be listed only data files from the current mapset:
g.list rast mapset=.
Similarly mapset=* (one asterisk) prints data files from all available mapsets also
including those which are not listed in the current search path (see g.mapsets -l).
g.list rast mapset=* -p
raster map(s) available in mapset <landsat>:
raster map(s) available in mapset <user1>:
raster map(s) available in mapset <PERMANENT>:

List all vector maps starting with letter "r":
g.list type=vector pattern="r*"
List all vector maps starting with letter "r" or "a":
g.list type=vector pattern="[ra]*"
List all raster maps starting with "soil_" or "landuse_":
g.list type=raster pattern="{soil,landuse}_*"
List certain raster maps with one variable character/number:
g.list type=raster pattern="N45E00?.meters"
Use of exclude parameter:
# without exclude:
g.list rast pat="r*" mapset=PERMANENT
# exclude only complete word(s):
g.list rast pat="r*" exclude=roads mapset=PERMANENT
# exclude with wildcard:
g.list rast pat="r*" exclude="*roads*" mapset=PERMANENT

Regular expressions
List all soil maps starting with "soils" in their name:
g.list -r type=raster pattern=’^soils’
List "tmp" if "tmp" raster map exists:
g.list -r type=raster pattern=’^tmp$’
List "tmp0" ..."tmp9" if corresponding vector map exists (each map name linewise):
g.list -r type=vector pattern=’^tmp[0-9]$’
List "tmp0"..."tmp9" if corresponding vector map exists (each map name comma separated):
g.list -r type=vector separator=comma pattern=’^tmp[0-9]$’

Extended regular expressions
List all precipitation maps for the years 1997-2012, comma separated:
g.list -e type=raster separator=comma pattern="precip_total.(199[7-9]|200[0-9]|201[0-2]).sum"

Maps whose region overlaps with a saved region
List all raster maps starting with "tmp_" whose region overlaps with the region of "test"
raster map:
g.region raster=test save=test_region
g.list type=raster pattern=’tmp_*’ region=test_region
List "tmp0"..."tmp9" vector maps whose region overlaps with the current region:
g.list -r type=vector pattern=’^tmp[0-9]$’ region=.
List all raster and vector maps whose region overlaps with the default region of the
PERMANENT mapset in the current location (DEFAULT_WIND):
g.list type=rast,vect region=*
Note that, without region=*, g.list type=rast,vect simply lists all available raster and
vector maps from the current search path regardless of their region.

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