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gfix - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command gfix that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



gfix — GFIX - Firebird command-line tool


gfix is a tool whitch performs a number of maintenance activities on a database eg.
database shutdown, making minor data repairs.

http://www.firebirdsql.org/ - Documentation -> Knowledgebase -> User Documentation ->
Interbase 6. Operation Guide.


Acivate shadow file for database usage

-at[tach] n
shutdown new database attachments

-b[uffers] n
Set page buffers n

-c[ommit] {ID|all}
Commit transaction (tr / all)

-ca[che] n
Shutdown cache manager

Validate record fragments (-v)

-f[orce] n
Force database shutdown

-h[ousekeeping] n
Set sweep interval (n)

Ignore checksum errors

Kill all unavailable shadow files

Show limbo transactions

Prepare corrupt database for backup

-m[ode] [read_write|read_only]
read-only or read-wrire

read-only validation (-v)

Database online

-pa[ssword] password
Default password

Prompt for commit/rollback (-v)

-r[ollback] {ID|all}
Rollback transaction (tr / all)

-s[ql_dialect] n
Set database dialect n

Force garbage collection

Shutdown database

-t[wo-phase] {ID|all}
Perform automated two-phase recovery

-tr[an] n
Shutdown transaction startup

Use full or reserve space for versions

-user name
Default user name

Validate database structure

-w[rite] {sync|async}
Write synchronously or asynchronously

Print software version number


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