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gift - Online in the Cloud

Run gift in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

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gnuift — GNU Image Finding Tool - index and search images by content


This manual page documents briefly the gnuift and gift-* commands.

This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does
not have a manual page.

The GIFT (the GNU Image-Finding Tool) is a Content Based Image Retrieval System (CBIRS).
It enables you to do Query By Example on images, giving you the opportunity to improve
query results by relevance feedback. For processing your queries the program relies
entirely on the content of the images, freeing you from the need to annotate all images
before querying the collection.

The GIFT comes with a tool which lets you index whole directory trees containing images in
one go. You then can use the GIFT server and its client, to browse your own image

The GIFT is an open framework for content-based image retrieval. We explicitly have taken
into account the possibility of adding new ways of querying to the framework. Our
communication protocol for client-server communication, MRML, is XML based and fully
documented (http://www.mrml.net). This aims at promoting code reuse among researchers and
application developers.

The current version of the GIFT can be seen in action at http://viper.unige.ch/demo/

The GIFT (ex Viper) is the result of a research effort at the Vision Group at the CUI
(computer science center) of the University of Geneva (see http://vision.unige.ch/). This
cutting-edge research has been the subject of several publications and conference talks.
Details can be found at http://viper.unige.ch/.

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