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gox - Online in the Cloud

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gox - simple cross compilation tool for Go


$ gox -osarch="freebsd/386" github.com/foo/bar


Gox is a cross compiling build tool for Go which makes it possible to produce binaries for
foreign platforms without having to install Go on the targeted system. Several operating
systems and architectures are supported, while parallel building on multiple cores is

Gox supports several target operating systems and architectures, as they are supported by
the current version of the Go compiler. Currently, choices for (-os) are: darwin (Mac OS
10.7 and above), windows, linux, freebsd, openbsd, netbsd, and plan9. Choices for (-arch)
are: amd64 (64-bit X86), 386 (32-bit x86), arm (32-bit ARM), and arm64 (64-bit ARM). If
no options are given, gox builds all available pairs (-osarch) in parallel on all
available cores.

Note: for the use of gox the environment variable $GOPATH must be set correctly to
/usr/share/gocode. See $ go help gopath for information on this issue.


Please run gox -h for a complete list of options and additional information.

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