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grokevt-dumpmsgs - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command grokevt-dumpmsgs that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



grokevt-dumpmsgs - A tool for dumping the contents of message databases built previously
by grokevt-ripdll(1).


grokevt-dumpmsgs message-db1 [message-db2 ...] .SH DESCRIPTION grokevt-dumpmsgs takes one
or more message databases previously built with grokevt-ripdll(1) and prints out all
entries to stdout. This is mainly a debugging tool, but may be useful for analyzing the
message contents of PE files while developing other applications.


grokevt-dumpmsgs uses the following arguments:

If multiple message databases are supplied, entries of all databases are printed to
stdout in the order they are provided.


grokevt-dumpmsgs prints each database entry out on a single line, in two comma-separated
columns. The first column is the message ID, which is in the format:


Here, XXXX represents the message's language code, and the YYYYYYYY represents the
message's relative virtual address (RVA) within the message block of the PE file. The
second column contains the message itself. Messages containing special characters (such as
newlines or commas) are encoded in the same manner that grokevt-parselog(1) encodes them
("\xQQ" where QQ is the hexadecimal value of the character).

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