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himdcli - Command line interface for accessing HiMD Walkman


himdcli <HiMD path> <command>


himdcli is a command line interface for accessing HiMD Walkman. It uses the libhimd
library to read and write audio tracks from a HiMD filesystem which can be mounted
directly from a physical HiMD Walkman or a previously created image file of a HiMD. The
mount point of the HiMD filesystem must be provided as an argument to himdcli together
with the command to be performed.

Currently libhimd and therefore himdcli implements full read access for PCM, ATRAC-3+ and
MP3 tracks as well as experimental write support for MP3 tracks (MP3 playback is supported
by second and third generation of HiMD Walkman only). Non-MP3 tracks are protected by
Sony's DRM software stack OpenMG, which require a sophisticated calculation of keys and
access control lists. Writing of non-MP3 tracks is therefore currently not yet supported.

In addition to transfer capabilities, himdcli provides some commands for debugging
purposes. These include strings to display all strings found in the track list file
(TRKIDX##.HMA), tracks and tracks verbose to display (detailed technical) track
information, discid to display the disc id (comparable to the filesystem ID of FAT
formatted volumes) which is used by the OpenMG encryption, mp3key to display the MP3
encryption key for a given MP3 track on disc as well as holes to display the holes in a
non-contiguous ATDATA##.HMA file (a container file where all tracks are stored on a HiMD


himdcli currently accepts the following commands:

help Show command overview list. strings Dumps all strings found in the tracklist file.

tracks Lists all tracks on disc.

tracks verbose
Lists details of all tracks on disc.

discid Reads the disc id of the inserted medium.

holes Lists all holes on disc.

mp3key <TRK>
Shows the MP3 encryption key for track #<TRK>.

dumptrack <TRK>
Dumps track #<TRK>.

dumpmp3 <TRK>
Dumps MP3 track #<TRK>.

dumpnonmp3 <TRK>
Dumps non-MP3 track #<TRK>.

writemp3 <FILE>
Writes the MP3 file <FILE> to disc.

When invoked without any arguments, himdcli outputs a short message with usage

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