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hwloc-assembler-remote - Online in the Cloud

Run hwloc-assembler-remote in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command hwloc-assembler-remote that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



hwloc-assembler-remote - Assemble multiple remote host topologies


hwloc-assembler-remote [options] output.xml host1 host2 ...


--ssh <ssh>
Use the given ssh command (and options) to connect to remote hosts.

--lstopo-path <path>
Use the given path as the remote lstopo command when gathering remote topologies.
By default, lstopo is taken from the PATH environment variable.

--lstopo-opts <opts>
Pass the given lstopo options when gathering remote topologies.

--show Display the resulting topology before exit.

-f --force
Ignore failure to load a remote host topology.


hwloc-assembler-remote is a frontend to hwloc-assembler. It takes care of retrieving the
remote nodes' topologies before assembling them with hwloc-assembler.


To assemble three nodes topologies:

$ hwloc-assembler-remote output.xml host1 host2 host3

To assemble the topology of a multi-process MPI job defined as a machinefile:

$ hwloc-assembler-remote output.xml `cat machinefile | sort | uniq`


Upon successful execution, hwloc-assembler-remote returns 0.

hwloc-assembler-remote will return nonzero if any kind of error occurs, such as (but not
limited to) failure to parse the command line.

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