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ipa-csreplica-manage - Online in the Cloud

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ipa-csreplica-manage - Manage an IPA CS replica


ipa-csreplica-manage [OPTION]... [connect|disconnect|del|list|re-initialize|force-sync]


Manages the CA replication agreements of an IPA server for domain at domain level 0.

To manage CA replication agreements in a domain at domain level 1, use IPA CLI or Web UI,
see `ipa help topology` for additional information.

connect [SERVER_A] <SERVER_B>
- Adds a new replication agreement between SERVER_A/localhost and SERVER_B.
Applicable only at domain level 0.

disconnect [SERVER_A] <SERVER_B>
- Removes a replication agreement between SERVER_A/localhost and SERVER_B.
Applicable only at domain level 0.

del <SERVER>
- Removes all replication agreements and data about SERVER. Applicable only at
domain level 0.

list [SERVER]
- Lists all the servers or the list of agreements of SERVER

- Forces a full re-initialization of the IPA CA server retrieving data from the
server specified with the --from option

- Immediately flush any data to be replicated from a server specified with the
--from option

set-renewal-master [SERVER]
- Set CA server which handles renewal of CA subsystem certificates to SERVER

The connect and disconnect options are used to manage the replication topology. When a
replica is created it is only connected with the master that created it. The connect
option may be used to connect it to other existing replicas.

The disconnect option cannot be used to remove the last link of a replica. To remove a
replica from the topology use the del option.

If a replica is deleted and then re-added within a short time-frame then the 389-ds
instance on the master that created it should be restarted before re-installing the
replica. The master will have the old service principals cached which will cause
replication to fail.


-H HOST, --host=HOST
The IPA server to manage. The default is the machine on which the command is run
Not honoured by the re-initialize command.

The Directory Manager password to use for authentication

-v, --verbose
Provide additional information

-f, --force
Ignore some types of errors

The server to pull the data from, used by the re-initialize and force-sync


List a server's replication agreements.
# ipa-csreplica-manage list srv1.example.com

Re-initialize a replica:
# ipa-csreplica-manage re-initialize --from srv2.example.com

This will re-initialize the data on the server where you execute the command,
retrieving the data from the srv2.example.com replica

Add a new replication agreement:
# ipa-csreplica-manage connect srv2.example.com srv4.example.com

Remove an existing replication agreement:
# ipa-csreplica-manage disconnect srv1.example.com srv3.example.com

Completely remove a replica at domain level 0:
# ipa-csreplica-manage del srv4.example.com

Completely remove a replica at domain level 1:
# ipa-replica-manage del srv4.example.com

Using connect/disconnect you can manage the replication topology.


0 if the command was successful

1 if an error occurred

Use ipa-csreplica-manage online using onworks.net services

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