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kdb-vset - Online in the Cloud

Run kdb-vset in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command kdb-vset that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



kdb-vset - Set the value of a key with a validation regular expression


kdb vset <path> <value> <regex> [<message>]

Where path is the path to the key the user wishes to set, value is the value the user
wishes to set, and regex is the regular expression that should be used for validation.
The optional parameter message is a user-defined message that will be displayed when a
user tries to set the key to a value that doesn´t match the regular expression.


This command allows the user to set the value of a key and create a validation regular
expression which future sets are checked against.
This command supports regular expressions as defined in extended regular expressions.
If a user tries to set a value that does not match the regular expression, a user-defined
message is returned.

Note: In order for this command to work, the validation plugin must be mounted where the
key resides.


-H, --help
Show the man page.

-V, --version
Print version info.


To set the user/example/key key to the value a and validate that any future sets must
match the regular expression a*:
kdb vset user/example/key a a+ "The value of this key must only consist of one more of the
letter a"

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