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killer - Background job killer


killer [-h] [-V] [-n] [-d]


killer is a perl script that gets rid of background jobs. Background jobs are defined as
processes that belong to users who are not currently logged into the machine. Jobs can be
run in the background (and are expempt from killer's acctions) if their scheduling
priority has been reduced by increasing their nice(1) value or if they are being run
through condor. For more details, see the PACKAGE main section of this document.

The following sections describe the perl(1) packages that make up the killer program. I
don't expect that the version that works for me will work for everyone. I think that the
ProcessTable and Terminals packages offer enough flexibility that most modifications can
be done in the main package.

Command line options

-h Tell me how to get help

-V Display version number

-n Do not kill, just print what would be killed

-d Enable debug output

PACKAGE ProcessTable

Each ProcessTable object contains hashes (or associative arrays) that map various aspects
of a job to the process ID (PID). The following hashes are provided:

pid2user Login name associated with the effective UID that the process is running as.

pid2ruser Login name associate with the real UID that the process is running as.

pid2uid Effective UID that the process is running as.

pid2ruid Real UID that the process is running as.

pid2tty Terminal associated with the process.

pid2ppid Parent process of the process

pid2nice nice(1) value of the process.

pid2comm Command name of the process.

Additionally, the %remainingprocs hash provides the list of processes that will be killed.

The intended use of this package calls for readProcessTable to be called to fill in all of
the hashes defined above. Then, processes that meet specific requirements are removed
from the %remainingprocs hash. Those that are not removed are considered to be background
processes and may be killed.

This function creates a new ProcessTable object.


my $ptable = new ProcessTable;

This function (re)initializes arrays and any environment variables for external commands.
It generally will not need to be called, as it is invoked by new().


# Empty out the process table for reuse

This function executes the ps(1) command to figure out which processes are running. Note
that it requires a SYSV style ps(1).


# Get a list of processes from the OS

This function looks for a large number of processes owned by one user, and assumes that it
is someone that is using fork() for the first time. An effective way to clean up such a
mess is to "kill -STOP" each process then "kill -KILL" each process.

Note this function ignores such mistakes by root. If root is running a fork(2) bomb, this
script wouldn't run, right? Also, you should be sure that the number of processes
mentioned below (490) is less (equal to would be better, right?) than the maximum number
of processes per user. Also, the OS should have a process limit at least a couple hundred
higher than any individual. Otherwise, you will have to use the power switch to get rid
of fork bombs.

Each time a process is sent a signal, it is logged via syslog(3C).


# Get rid of fork bombs. Keep track of who did it in @idiots.
my @idiots = $ptable->cleanForkBombs();

getUserProcessIds user
This returns the list of process ID's where the login associated with the real UID of the
process matches the argument to the function.


# Find all processes owned by httpd
my @webservers = $ptable->getUserProcessIds('httpd');

This function returns a list of terminals in use. Note that the format will be the same
as given by ps(1), which will generally lack the leading "/dev/".


# Get a list of all terminals that processes are attached to
my @ttylist = $ptable->getUniqueTtys();

removeProcessId pid
This function removes pid from the list of processes to be killed. That is, it gets rid
of a process that should be allowed to run. Most likely this will only be called by other
functions in this package.


# For some reason I know that PID 1234 should be allowed to run

removeProcesses psfield, psvalue
This function removes processes that possess certain traits. For example, if you want to
get rid of all processes owned by the user "lp" or all processes that have /dev/console as
their controlling terminal, this is the function for you.

psfield can be any of the following

pid Removes process id given in second argument.

user Removes processes with effective UID associated with login name given in second

ruser Removes processes with real UID associated with login name given in second

uid Removes processes with effective UID given in second argument.

ruid Removes processes with real UID given in second argument.

tty Removes processes with controlling terminal given in second argument. Note that
it should NOT start with "/dev/".

ppid Removes children of process with PID given in second argument.

nice Removes children with a nice value equal to the second argument.

comm Removes children with a command name that is the same as the second argument.


# Allow all imapd processes to run
$ptable->removeProcesses('comm', 'imapd');

# Be sure not to kill print jobs
$ptable->removeProcesses('ruser', 'lp');

removeChildren pid
This function removes all decendents of the given pid. That is, if the pid argument is 1,
it will ensure that nothing is killed.


# Be sure not to kill off any mail deliveries (assumes you have
# written getSendmailPid()). (Sendmail changes uid when it does
# local delivery.)

Condor is a batch job system that allows migration of jobs between machines (see
http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/). This ensures that condor jobs are left alone.


# Be nice to the people that are running their jobs through condor.

findChildProcs pid
This function finds and returns a list of all of the processess that are descendents of a
the PID given in the first argument.


# Find the processes that are decendents of PID 1234
my @procs = $ptable->findChildProcs(1234);

getTtys user
This function returns a list of tty's that are in use by processes owned by a particular


# find all tty's in use by gerdts.
my @ttylist = getTtys('gerdts');

This function lists all the users that have active processes.


# Get all users that are logged in
my @lusers = $ptable->getUsers()

This function removes all jobs that have a nice value greater than 9. That is, they have
a lower sceduling priority than the default (0).


# Allow people to run background jobs so long as they yield to
# those with "foreground" jobs

printProcess filehandle, pid
This function displays information about the process, kinda like "ps | grep" would.


# Print info about init to STDERR
$ptable->printProcess(\*STDERR, 1);

printProcessTable filehandle
This function prints info about all the processes discoverd by readProcessTable. If an
argument is given, it should be a file handle to which the output should be printed.


# Print the process table to stdout

# Mail the process table to someone
open MAIL '|/usr/bin/mail someone';

printRemainingProcesses filehandle
This function prints info about all the processes discoverd by readProcessTable, but not
removed from %remainingprocs. If an argument is given, it should be a file handle to
which the output should be printed.


# Print the jobs to be killed to stdout

# Mail the jobs to be killed to someone
open MAIL '|/usr/bin/mail someone';

Returns a list of processes that are likely background jobs.


# Get a list of the processes that I plan to kill
my @procsToKill = $ptable->getRemainingProcesses();

killAll signalNumber
Sends the specified signal to all the processes listed. A syslog entry is made for each
signal sent.


# Send all of the remaining processes a TERM signal, then a
# KILL signal
sleep(10); # Give them a bit of a chance to clean up

PACKAGE Terminals

The Terminals package provides a means for figuring out how long various users have been

This function is used to instantiate a new Terminals object.


# Get a new Terminals object.
my $term = new Terminals;

This function figures out who is on the system and how long they have been idle for. It
will generally only be called by new().


# Refresh the state of the terminals.

This function returns the login of the person that is physically sitting at the machine.


# Print out the login of the person on the console
printf "%s is on the console\n", $term->showConsoleUser();

initializeTty terminal statparts
This initializes internal structures for the given terminal.

getX11IdleTime user
Figure out how long a user has been idle in X11. Return the seconds of idle time.

getIdleTime user
Figure out how long a user has been idle. This is accomplished by examining all terminals
that the user owns and returns the amount of time since the most recently accessed one was
used. Additionally, if the user is at the console it is possible that he/she is not
typing, yet is quite active with the mouse or typing into an application that does not use
a terminal.


# Figure out how long the user on the console has been idle
my $consoleIdle = $term-getIdleTime($term->showConsoleUser());

Prints to stdout who is on what terminal and how long they have been idle. Only useful
for debugging.


# Take a look at the contents of structures in my
# Terminals object


The main package is the version used on the Unix workstations at the University of
Wisonsin's Computer-Aided Engineering Center (CAE). I suspect that folks at places other
than CAE will want to do things slightly differently. Feel free to take this as an
example of how you can make effective use of the processTable and Terminals packages.

Configuration options
$forkadmin Email address to notify of fork bombs

$killadmin Email address to notify of run-of-the-mill kills

$fromaddr Who do email messages claim to be from?

Email address to notify when jobs will not die

@validusers These are the folks that you should never kill off

$minuid Do not kill processes of users with uid lower than this value.

The maximum number of seconds that a user can be idle without being classified
as having "background" jobs.

If I am a user really trying to avoid a background job killer, I would likely include a
signal handler that would wait for signal 15. When I saw it, I would fork causing the
parent to die and the child would continue on to do my work.

Assuming that everyone thinks like me, I figure that I will need to make at least two
complete passes to clear up the bad users. The first pass is relatively nice (sends a
signal 15, followed a bit later by a signal 9). A well-written program will take the
signal 15 as a sign that it should clean up and then shut down. When a process gets a
signal 9, it has no choice but to die.

The second pass is not so nice. It finds all background processes, sends them a signal 23
(SIGSTOP), then a signal 9 (SIGKILL). This pretty much (but not absolutely) guarantees
that processes are unable to find a way around the background job killer.

This function gathers information from the Terminals and ProcessTable packages, then based
on that information decides which jobs should be allowed to run. Specifically it does the

· Instantiates new ProcessTable and Terminals objects. Note that Terminals::new fills in
all the necessary structures to catch users that have logged in between calls to

· Reads the process table

· Removes condor processes and condor jobs from the list of processes to be killed.

· Removes all jobs belonging to all users in the configuration array @validusers from the
list of processes to be killed.

· Removes all nice(1) jobs from the list of jobs to be killed.

· Removes all jobs belonging to users where the user has less than $maxidletime idle time
on at least one terminal. Additionally, jobs associated with ttys that are owned by
users that have less than $maxidletime idle time on at least one terminal are preserved.
This makes it so that if luser uses su(1) to gain the privileges of boozer, processes
owned by boozer will not be killed.

· Removes all processes of users with uid lower than the $minuid value.

· Finally, the process table and terminal objects are returned.

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