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knife-ssl-check - Online in the Cloud

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knife-ssl-check - The man page for the knife ssl check subcommand.

The knife ssl check subcommand is used to verify the SSL configuration for the Enterprise
Chef and/or Open Source Chef servers, or at another location specified by a URL or URI.

When verification of a remote server's SSL certificate is disabled, the chef-client
will issue a warning similar to "SSL validation of HTTPS requests is disabled. HTTPS
connections are still encrypted, but the chef-client is not able to detect forged
replies or man-in-the-middle attacks." To configure SSL for the chef-client, set
ssl_verify_mode to :verify_peer (recommended) or verify_api_cert to true in the
client.rb file.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

$ knife ssl check URI


This subcommand has the following options:

-a SSH_ATTR, --attribute SSH_ATTR
The attribute that is used when opening the SSH connection. The default attribute
is the FQDN of the host. Other possible values include a public IP address, a
private IP address, or a hostname.

-A, --forward-agent
Use to enable SSH agent forwarding.

The configuration file to use.

-C NUM, --concurrency NUM
The number of allowed concurrent connections.

--chef-zero-port PORT
The port on which chef-zero will listen.

Use to view colored output.

-d, --disable-editing
Use to prevent the $EDITOR from being opened and to accept data as-is.

Use to have knife use the default value instead of asking a user to provide one.

-e EDITOR, --editor EDITOR
The $EDITOR that is used for all interactive commands.

The name of the environment. When this option is added to a command, the command
will run only against the named environment.

-F FORMAT, --format FORMAT
The output format: summary (default), text, json, yaml, and pp.

-G GATEWAY, --ssh-gateway GATEWAY
The SSH tunnel or gateway that is used to run a bootstrap action on a machine that
is not accessible from the workstation.

-h, --help
Shows help for the command.

The SSH identity file used for authentication. Key-based authentication is

-k KEY, --key KEY
The private key that knife will use to sign requests made by the API client to the
Chef server.

-m, --manual-list
Use to define a search query as a space-separated list of servers. If there is more
than one item in the list, put quotes around the entire list. For example:
--manual-list "server01 server 02 server 03"

Use --no-host-key-verify to disable host key verification. Default setting:

OTHER The shell type. Possible values: interactive, screen, tmux, macterm, or cssh.
(csshx is deprecated in favor of cssh.)

-p PORT, --ssh-port PORT
The SSH port.

-P PASSWORD, --ssh-password PASSWORD
The SSH password. This can be used to pass the password directly on the command
line. If this option is not specified (and a password is required) knife will
prompt for the password.

Use to show data after a destructive operation.

-s URL, --server-url URL
The URL for the Chef server.

The search query used to return a list of servers to be accessed using SSH and the
specified SSH_COMMAND. This option uses the same syntax as the search sub-command.

The command that will be run against the results of a search query.

-u USER, --user USER
The user name used by knife to sign requests made by the API client to the Chef
server. Authentication will fail if the user name does not match the private key.

-v, --version
The version of the chef-client.

-V, --verbose
Set for more verbose outputs. Use -VV for maximum verbosity.

-x USER_NAME, --ssh-user USER_NAME
The SSH user name.

-y, --yes
Use to respond to all confirmation prompts with "Yes". knife will not ask for

-z, --local-mode
Use to run the chef-client in local mode. This allows all commands that work
against the Chef server to also work against the local chef-repo.


The following examples show how to use this knife subcommand:

Verify the SSL configuration for the Chef server

$ knife ssl check

Verify the SSL configuration for the chef-client

$ knife ssl check -c /etc/chef/client.rb

Verify an external server's SSL certificate

$ knife ssl check URL_or_URI

for example:

$ knife ssl check https://www.getchef.com

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