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mecab - Online in the Cloud

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mecab - Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer


mecab [options] files


MeCab: Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer

Copyright(C) 2001-2008 Taku Kudo Copyright(C) 2004-2008 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone

-r, --rcfile=FILE
use FILE as resource file

-d, --dicdir=DIR
set DIR as a system dicdir

-u, --userdic=FILE
use FILE as a user dictionary

-l, --lattice-level=INT
lattice information level (default 0)

-D, --dictionary-info
show dictionary information and exit

-a, --all-morphs
output all morphs(default false)

-O, --output-format-type=TYPE
set output format type (wakati,none,...)

-p, --partial
partial parsing mode

-F, --node-format=STR
use STR as the user-defined node format

-U, --unk-format=STR
use STR as the user-defined unk format

-B, --bos-format=STR
use STR as the user-defined bos format

-E, --eos-format=STR
use STR as the user-defined eos format

-x, --unk-feature=STR
use STR as the feature for unknown word

-b, --input-buffer-size=INT
set input buffer size (default 8192)

-P, --dump-config
dump MeCab parameters

-M, --open-mutable-dictionary
open dictioanry with mutable mode (experimental)

-C, --allocate-sentence
allocate new memory for input sentence

-N, --nbest=INT
output N best results (default 1)

-t, --theta=FLOAT
set temparature parameter theta (default 0.75)

-c, --cost-factor=INT
set cost factor (default 700)

-o, --output=FILE
set the output file name

-v, --version
show the version and exit.

-h, --help
show this help and exit.

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