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regfiledump - Online in the Cloud

Run regfiledump in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command regfiledump that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



regfiledump - Dump the contents of a Regina data file


regfiledump [ -f | -l | -n ] [ -c ] file [ packet-label ... ]


This utility dumps the contents of the given Regina data file to standard output in a
human-readable format.

If a list of packet labels is given on the command-line, only those packets will be
output. Otherwise all packets in the given file will be output.


-f (default)
Output full packet details. The output for each packet will cover several lines,
beginning with basic details (such as the packet label and type) followed by the
packet's long description.

-l Output a list of packet labels and types only, one packet per line.

-n Don't output any packets at all; this option forces a packet count (see option -c).

-c Finish the output with a total count of all packets in the file.


If any packets contain international characters, Regina will attempt to convert these to
your local character encoding as it writes them to the output.

You can tell Regina what character encoding to use by setting standard locale-related
environment variables, such as LANG, LC_CTYPE or LC_ALL.

For example, if LANG is set to en_AU then output will be written in the Western European
character set ISO-8859-1, and if LANG is set to en_AU.UTF-8 then output will be written in
the universal character set UTF-8.

Typically these environment variables will already be set for you when you install your
GNU/Linux system, and Regina will just use the right character set out of the box. See
your GNU/Linux system reference for further information on supporting different locales.


If you downloaded a drag-and-drop app bundle, this utility is shipped inside it. If you
dragged Regina to the main Applications folder, you can run it as


The command-line utilities are installed beneath the Program Files directory; on some
machines this directory is called Program Files (x86). You can start this utility by
running c:\Program Files\Regina\Regina 4.96\bin\regfiledump.exe.

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