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whatnow - prompting front-end for sending messages


whatnow [-draftfolder +folder] [-draftmessage msg] [-nodraftfolder] [-editor editor]
[-noedit] [-prompt string] [file] [-version] [-help]


Whatnow is the default program that queries the user about the disposition of a composed
draft. It is normally automatically invoked by one of the nmh commands comp, dist, forw,
or repl after the initial edit.

When started, the editor is started on the draft (unless -noedit is given, in which case
the initial edit is suppressed). Then, whatnow repetitively prompts the user with “What
now?” and awaits a response. The valid responses are:

edit re-edit using the same editor that was used on the preceding round
unless a profile entry “<lasteditor>-next: <editor>” names an
alternate editor

edit <editor> invoke <editor> for further editing

refile +folder refile the draft into the given folder

mime process the draft as MIME composition file using the buildmimeproc
command (mhbuild by default)

display list the message being distributed/replied-to on the terminal

list list the draft on the terminal

send send the message

send -watch send the message and monitor the delivery process

push send the message in the background

whom list the addresses that the message will go to

whom -check list the addresses and verify that they are acceptable to the
transport service

quit preserve the draft and exit

quit -delete delete the draft and exit

delete delete the draft and exit

cd directory use the directory when interpreting attachment file names

pwd print the working directory for attachment files

ls [ls-options] list files in the attachment working directory using the ls command

attach [-v] files
add the named files to the message as MIME attachments; -v displays
the mhbuild directive that send(1) will use

alist [-ln] list the MIME attachments, either short, long [-l] or numbered [-n]

detach [-n] files-or-numbers
remove MIME attachments, either by file name or by number with -n

When entering your response, you need only type enough characters to uniquely identify the

For the edit response, any valid switch to the editor is valid.

For the send and push responses, any valid switch to send(1) is valid (as push merely
invokes send with the -push option).

For the whom response, any valid switch to whom(1) is valid.

For the refile response, any valid switch to the fileproc is valid.

For the display and list responses, any valid argument to the lproc is valid. If any
non-switch arguments are present, then the pathname of the draft will be excluded from the
argument list given to the lproc (this is useful for listing another nmh message).

See mh-profile(5) for further information about how editors are used by nmh. It also
discusses how environment variables can be used to direct whatnow's actions in complex

The -prompt string switch sets the prompting string for whatnow.

The -draftfolder +folder and -draftmessage msg switches invoke the nmh draft folder
facility. This is an advanced (and highly useful) feature. Consult the mh-draft(5) man
page for more information.

If your nmh was configured with readline enabled, you'll be able to use filename
completion and other readline features at the prompt. These are particularly useful with
the cd, ls, attach, and detach commands for managing MIME attachments.

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