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xfishtankx - Online in the Cloud

Run xfishtankx in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command xfishtankx that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



xfishtank - Fish swimming across your Root Window


xfishtank [-c <color>] [-b <limit>] [-f <limit>] [-i <mult>] [-r <rate>] [-m <num>] [-C
<num>] [-d] [-p <file>] [host:display]


xfishtank is a animation program to simulate an Aquarium on your X desktop.

Each fish can have up to 255 colors, but on startup the program takes all the colors from
all the fish, and squeezes them down to all fit into the default colormap as best it can.
Any fish can be any size in width and height. To make them look more like they are
swimming, fish are animated (Very simple 2 frame animation). Fish CANNOT swim over each
other, they will turn around if they are about to collide.


-c color
Background color of the fishtank

-b limit
Number of bubbles (Default is set to 32)

-f limit
Number of fishes (Default is set to 10)

-i inter
Move interval (Default is set to 0.2)

-r rate Move frequency (Default is set to 0.2)

-m num Median cut to this many colors

-C num Use only this many color cells

-d Clip fish, swim on root window

-p file Fish swim on picture in file

This option specifies the X server to contact.

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