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xmldiff - Online in the Cloud

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xmldiff - Tree 2 tree correction between xml documents


xmldiff [ options ] original_file modified_file

xmldiff [ options ] -r original_directoty modified_directory


xmldiff is a utility for extracting differences between two xml files. It returns a set
of primitives to apply on source tree to obtain the destination tree.

The implementation is based on Change detection in hierarchically structured information,
by S. Chawathe, A. Rajaraman, H. Garcia-Molina and J. Widom, Stanford University, 1996


-h, --help
display this help message and exit.

-V, --version
display version number and exit

-H, --html
input files are HTML instead of XML

-r, --recursive
when comparing directories, recursively compare any
subdirectories found.

-x, --xupdate
display output following the Xupdate xml specification
(see http://www.xmldb.org/xupdate/xupdate-wd.html#N19b1de).

-e <encoding>, --encoding=<encoding>
specify the encoding to use for output. Default is UTF-8

-n, --not-normalize-spaces
do not normalize spaces and new lines in text and comment nodes.

-c, --exclude-comments
do not process comment nodes

-g, --ext-ges
include all external general (text) entities.

-p, --ext-pes
include all external parameter entities, including the external DTD

display an execution profile (run slower with this option),
profile saved to file (binarie form).


0 means no difference were found.

A positive number means some differences were found.

A negative number means an error occured.


xmldiff uses an algorithm with a (too) high algorithmical complexity, which makes it
unsuitable to process large XML documents. If your document has more than about 100 nodes,
you should probably look for an alternative solution.

Any suggestion to this issue is welcome by Logilab. Please tell us if you are aware of a
simpler algorithm to solve this problem.


python, pyxml

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