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ckbcomp - compile a XKB keyboard description to a keymap suitable for loadkeys or




The ckbcomp keymap compiler converts a description of an XKB keyboard layout into a
console keymap that can be read directly by loadkeys(1) or kbdcontrol(1).

On its standard output ckbcomp dumps the generated keyboard definition. The most
important difference between the arguments of setxkbmap(1) and the arguments of ckbcomp is
the additional parameter -charmap when non-Unicode keyboard map is wanted. Without
-charmap ckbcomp will generate Unicode keyboard.


General options
Print a usage message and exit.

-charmap charmap
The encoding to use for the output keymap. There should be an character mapping
table defining this encoding in /usr/share/consoletrans. Definitions of the
following charmaps are provided: ARMSCII-8, CP1251, CP1255, CP1256, GEORGIAN-
ACADEMY, GEORGIAN-PS, IBM1133, ISIRI-3342, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-3,
ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-6, ISO-8859-7, ISO-8859-8, ISO-8859-9,
ISO-8859-10, ISO-8859-11, ISO-8859-13, ISO-8859-14, ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-16,
KOI8-R, KOI8-U, TIS-620 and VISCII.

-Idir Look in the top-level directory dir for files included by the keymap description.
This option may be used multiple times. If a file can not be found in any of the
specified directories, it will be searched also in some other standard locations,
such as /etc/console-setup/ckb, /usr/share/X11/xkb and /etc/X11/xkb

-v level
Set level of detail for listing. The argument level must be a number from 1 to 10.

Generate a compact keymap with at most two xkb groups and two levels in each or
only one xkb-group and up to four levels.

Generate a keymap for FreeBSD.

-backspace [bs|del]
Specifies the behaviour of the <BackSpace> and <Delete> keys. Value bs specifies
VT100-conformant behaviour: <BackSpace> will generate ^H (ASCII BS) and <Delete>
will generate ^? (ASCII DEL). Value del specifies VT220-conformant behavior:
<BackSpace> will generate ^? (ASCII DEL) and <Delete> will generate a special
function sequence.

XKB Keyboard Description
The keyboard layout, variant and options components can be also specified directly on the
command line. See the synopsis of the command.

-symbols name
Specifies the symbols component name of the XKB keyboard description.

-keycodes name
Specifies the keycodes component name of the XKB keyboard description.

-rules name
The name of the rules file to use.

-model name
Specifies the keyboard model used to choose the component names.

-layout name
Specifies the layout used to choose the component names.

-variant name
Specifies the layout variant used to choose the component names.

-option name
Adds an option used to choose component names.

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