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cudf2lp - Online in the Cloud

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cudf2lp - a preprocessor for CUDF documents


cudf2lp [OPTION]... [FILE]


cudf2lp simplifies a given CUDF specification and converts it into a set facts suitable to
be processed with an ASP grounder and solver - e.g., gringo(1) and clasp(1). It is
intended to be called by aspcud(1), but may also be used independently.

It reads from the given FILE and from standard input if ommited.


cudf2lp supports the following options:

-h, --help
print help text

-v, --version
print version and license information

-V, --verbose[=N]
set the verbosity level to N or the maximum if omitted

-c CRITS, --criteria=CRITS
preprocess for specific optimization criteria (defaults to none):
CRITS: none | paranoid | trendy | CRIT\(','CRIT\)*
CRIT : SIGN count(SET) |
| sign sum(SET,ATTR)
| sign unsat_recommends(SET)
| sign aligned(SET,ATTR,ATTR)
| sign notuptodate(SET)
SIGN : '+' | '-'
ATTR : CUDF attribute name
SET : solution | changed | new | removed | up | down
| installrequest | upgraderequest | request

for backwards compatibility, the following aliases can be used:
new = count(new)
removed = count(removed)
changed = count(changed)
notuptodate = notuptodate(solution)
unsat_recommends = unsat_recommends(solution)
sum(name) = sum(name,solution)

disable preprocessing and add all packages

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