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ldns-dpa - Online in the Cloud

Run ldns-dpa in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command ldns-dpa that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



dpa - DNS Packet Analyzer. Analyze DNS packets in ip trace files




dpa is used to analyze dns packets in trace files. It has 3 main options: count, filter,
and count uniques (i.e. count all different occurences).


-c expressionlist
Count occurrences of matching expressions

-f expression
Filter: only process packets that match the expression

-h Show usage

-p Show the total number of correct DNS packets, and percentage of -u and -c values
(of the total of matching on the -f filter. if no filter is given, percentages are
on all correct dns packets)

-of file
Write all packets that match the -f flag to file, as pcap data.

-ofh file
Write all packets that match the -f flag to file, in hexadecimal format, readable
by drill.

-s Show possible match names

-s matchname
show possible match operators and values for name

-sf Only evaluate packets (in representation format) that match the -f filter. If no
-f was given, evaluate all correct dns packets.

-u matchnamelist
Count every occurence of every value of the matchname (for instance, count all
packetsizes, see EXAMPLES in ldns-dpa(1) ).

-ua For every matchname in -u, show the average value of all matches. Behaviour for
match types that do not have an integer value is undefined.

-uac For every matchname in -u, show the average number of times this value was

-um number
Only show the results from -u for values that occurred more than <number> times.

-v level
Set verbosity to level (1-5, 5 being the highest). Mostly used for debugging.

-notip file
Write packets that were not recognized as IP packets to file (as pcap data).

-baddns file
Write dns packets that were too mangled to parse to file (as pcap data).

Show version and exit


A <matchnamelist> is a comma separated list of match names (use -s to see possible match
names). A <expressionlist> is a comma separated list of expressions.

An expression has the following form: <expr>: (<expr>)
<expr> | <expr>
<expr> & <expr>

<match>: <matchname> <operator> <value>

<operator>: = equal to <value> != not equal to <value> > greater
than <value> < lesser than <value> >= greater than or equal to <value>
<= lesser than or equal to <value> ~= contains <value>

See the -s option for possible matchnames, operators and values.


ldns-dpa -u packetsize -p test.tr
Count all different packetsizes in test.tr and show the precentages.

ldns-dpa -f "edns=1&qr=0" -of edns.tr test.tr
Filter out all edns enable queries in test.tr and put them in edns.tr

ldns-dpa -f edns=1 -c tc=1 -u rcode test.tr
For all edns packets, count the number of truncated packets and all their rcodes in

ldns-dpa -c tc=1,qr=0,qr=1,opcode=QUERY test.tr
For all packets, count the number of truncated packets, the number of packets with
qr=0, the number of packets with qr=1 and the number of queries in test.tr.

ldns-dpa -u packetsize -ua test.tr
Show all packet sizes and the average packet size per packet.

ldns-dpa -u srcaddress -uac test.tr
Show all packet source addresses and the average number of packets sent from this

sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -U -w - port 53 | ldns-dpa -f qr=0 -sf
Print all query packets seen on the specified interface.

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