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mia-multihist - Online in the Cloud

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mia-multihist - histogram of a series of 2D images


mia-multihist -i <in-file> -o <out-histogram> [options]


mia-multihist This program evaluates the histogram over a series of 2D images


-i --in-file=(input, required); io
input image(s) to be filtered For supported file types see

-o --out-histogram=(output, required); string
output file name

minimum of histogram rangeminimum of histogram range

maximum of histogram rangemaximum of histogram range

number of histogram bins, set to zero to create a bin for each intensity
value availabe in the input data. In this case the histogram range is also
evaluated automaticallynumber of histogram bins, set to zero to create a bin
for each intensity value availabe in the input data. In this case the
histogram range is also evaluated automatically

Help & Info
-V --verbose=warning
verbosity of output, print messages of given level and higher priorities.
Supported priorities starting at lowest level are:
info ‐ Low level messages
trace ‐ Function call trace
fail ‐ Report test failures
warning ‐ Warnings
error ‐ Report errors
debug ‐ Debug output
message ‐ Normal messages
fatal ‐ Report only fatal errors

print copyright information

-h --help
print this help

-? --usage
print a short help

print the version number and exit

Maxiumum number of threads to use for processing,This number should be lower
or equal to the number of logical processor cores in the machine. (-1:
automatic estimation).Maxiumum number of threads to use for processing,This
number should be lower or equal to the number of logical processor cores in
the machine. (-1: automatic estimation).

PLUGINS: 2dimage/io

bmp BMP 2D-image input/output support

Recognized file extensions: .BMP, .bmp

Supported element types:
binary data, unsigned 8 bit, unsigned 16 bit

datapool Virtual IO to and from the internal data pool

Recognized file extensions: .@

dicom 2D image io for DICOM

Recognized file extensions: .DCM, .dcm

Supported element types:
signed 16 bit, unsigned 16 bit

exr a 2dimage io plugin for OpenEXR images

Recognized file extensions: .EXR, .exr

Supported element types:
unsigned 32 bit, floating point 32 bit

jpg a 2dimage io plugin for jpeg gray scale images

Recognized file extensions: .JPEG, .JPG, .jpeg, .jpg

Supported element types:
unsigned 8 bit

png a 2dimage io plugin for png images

Recognized file extensions: .PNG, .png

Supported element types:
binary data, unsigned 8 bit, unsigned 16 bit

raw RAW 2D-image output support

Recognized file extensions: .RAW, .raw

Supported element types:
binary data, signed 8 bit, unsigned 8 bit, signed 16 bit, unsigned 16 bit,
signed 32 bit, unsigned 32 bit, floating point 32 bit, floating point 64

tif TIFF 2D-image input/output support

Recognized file extensions: .TIF, .TIFF, .tif, .tiff

Supported element types:
binary data, unsigned 8 bit, unsigned 16 bit, unsigned 32 bit

vista a 2dimage io plugin for vista images

Recognized file extensions: .V, .VISTA, .v, .vista

Supported element types:
binary data, signed 8 bit, unsigned 8 bit, signed 16 bit, unsigned 16 bit,
signed 32 bit, unsigned 32 bit, floating point 32 bit, floating point 64


Evaluate the histogram over all consecutively numbered images that follow the numbering
pattern inputXXXX.exr and store the output histogram in histo.txt. Use the range [0,256]
and 64 bins.

mia-multihist -i input0000.exr -o histo.txt --min 0 --max 256 --bins 64


Gert Wollny


This software is Copyright (c) 1999‐2015 Leipzig, Germany and Madrid, Spain. It comes
with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY and you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU
GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (or later). For more information run the program with the
option '--copyright'.

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