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pegasus-plan - runs Pegasus to generate the executable workflow


pegasus-plan [-v] [-q] [-V] [-h]
[-Dprop=value...]] [-b prefix]
[--conf propsfile]
[-c cachefile[,cachefile...]] [--cleanup cleanup strategy ]
[-C style[,style...]]
[--dir dir]
[--force] [--force-replan]
[--inherited-rc-files] [-j prefix]
[-n][-I input-dir][-O output-dir] [-o site]
[-s site1[,site2...]]
[--staging-site s1=ss1[,s2=ss2[..]]
[--relative-dir dir]
[--relative-submit-dir dir]
-d daxfile


The pegasus-plan command takes in as input the DAX and generates an executable workflow
usually in form of condor submit files, which can be submitted to an execution site for

As part of generating an executable workflow, the planner needs to discover:

The Pegasus Workflow Planner ensures that all the data required for the execution of
the executable workflow is transferred to the execution site by adding transfer nodes
at appropriate points in the DAG. This is done by looking up an appropriate Replica
Catalog to determine the locations of the input files for the various jobs. By
default, a file based replica catalog is used.

The Pegasus Workflow Planner also tries to reduce the workflow, unless specified
otherwise. This is done by deleting the jobs whose output files have been found in
some location in the Replica Catalog. At present no cost metrics are used. However
preference is given to a location corresponding to the execution site

The planner can also add nodes to transfer all the materialized files to an output
site. The location on the output site is determined by looking up the site catalog
file, the path to which is picked up from the pegasus.catalog.site.file property

The planner looks up a Transformation Catalog to discover locations of the executables
referred to in the executable workflow. Users can specify INSTALLED or STAGEABLE
executables in the catalog. Stageable executables can be used by Pegasus to stage
executables to resources where they are not pre-installed.

The layout of the sites, where Pegasus can schedule jobs of a workflow are described
in the Site Catalog. The planner looks up the site catalog to determine for a site
what directories a job can be executed in, what servers to use for staging in and out
data and what jobmanagers (if applicable) can be used for submitting jobs.

The data and executable locations can now be specified in DAX’es conforming to DAX schema
version 3.2 or higher.


Any option will be displayed with its long options synonym(s).

The -D option allows an experienced user to override certain properties which
influence the program execution, among them the default location of the user’s
properties file and the PEGASUS home location. One may set several CLI properties by
giving this option multiple times. The -D option(s) must be the first option on the
command line. A CLI property take precedence over the properties file property of the
same key.

-d file, --dax file
The DAX is the XML input file that describes an abstract workflow. This is a mandatory
option, which has to be used.

-b prefix, --basename prefix
The basename prefix to be used while constructing per workflow files like the dagman
file (.dag file) and other workflow specific files that are created by Condor. Usually
this prefix, is taken from the name attribute specified in the root element of the dax

-c file[,file,...], --cache file[,file,...]
A comma separated list of paths to replica cache files that override the results from
the replica catalog for a particular LFN.

Each entry in the cache file describes a LFN , the corresponding PFN and the
associated attributes. The pool attribute should be specified for each entry.

LFN_1 PFN_1 pool=[site handle 1]
LFN_2 PFN_2 pool=[site handle 2]
LFN_N PFN_N [site handle N]

To treat the cache files as supplemental replica catalogs set the property
pegasus.catalog.replica.cache.asrc to true. This results in the mapping in the cache
files to be merged with the mappings in the replica catalog. Thus, for a particular
LFN both the entries in the cache file and replica catalog are available for replica

-C style[,style,...], --cluster style[,style,...]
Comma-separated list of clustering styles to apply to the workflow. This mode of
operation results in clustering of n compute jobs into a larger jobs to reduce remote
scheduling overhead. You can specify a list of clustering techniques to recursively
apply them to the workflow. For example, this allows you to cluster some jobs in the
workflow using horizontal clustering and then use label based clustering on the
intermediate workflow to do vertical clustering.

The clustered jobs can be run at the remote site, either sequentially or by using MPI.
This can be specified by setting the property pegasus.job.aggregator. The property can
be overridden by associating the PEGASUS profile key collapser either with the
transformation in the transformation catalog or the execution site in the site
catalog. The value specified (to the property or the profile), is the logical name of
the transformation that is to be used for clustering jobs. Note that clustering will
only happen if the corresponding transformations are catalogued in the transformation

PEGASUS ships with a clustering executable pegasus-cluster that can be found in the
$PEGASUS_HOME/bin directory. It runs the jobs in the clustered job sequentially on the
same node at the remote site.

In addition, an MPI based clustering tool called pegasus-mpi-cluster', is also
distributed and can be found in the bin directory. pegasus-mpi-cluster can also be
used in the sharedfs setup and needs to be compiled against the remote site MPI
install. directory. The wrapper is run on every MPI node, with the first one being the
master and the rest of the ones as workers.

By default, pegasus-cluster is used for clustering jobs unless overridden in the
properties or by the pegasus profile key collapser.

The following type of clustering styles are currently supported:

· horizontal is the style of clustering in which jobs on the same level are
aggregated into larger jobs. A level of the workflow is defined as the greatest
distance of a node, from the root of the workflow. Clustering occurs only on jobs
of the same type i.e they refer to the same logical transformation in the
transformation catalog.

Horizontal Clustering can operate in one of two modes. a. Job count based.

The granularity of clustering can be specified by associating either the PEGASUS
profile key clusters.size or the PEGASUS profile key clusters.num with the

The clusters.size key indicates how many jobs need to be clustered into the larger
clustered job. The clusters.num key indicates how many clustered jobs are to be
created for a particular level at a particular execution site. If both keys are
specified for a particular transformation, then the clusters.num key value is used
to determine the clustering granularity.

1. Runtime based.

To cluster jobs according to runtimes user needs to set one property and two
profile keys. The property pegasus.clusterer.preference must be set to the
value runtime. In addition user needs to specify two Pegasus profiles. a.
clusters.maxruntime which specifies the maximum duration for which the
clustered job should run for. b. job.runtime which specifies the duration for
which the job with which the profile key is associated, runs for. Ideally,
clusters.maxruntime should be set in transformation catalog and job.runtime
should be set for each job individually.

· label is the style of clustering in which you can label the jobs in your workflow.
The jobs with the same level are put in the same clustered job. This allows you to
aggregate jobs across levels, or in a manner that is best suited to your

To label the workflow, you need to associate PEGASUS profiles with the jobs in the
DAX. The profile key to use for labeling the workflow can be set by the property
pegasus.clusterer.label.key. It defaults to label, meaning if you have a PEGASUS
profile key label with jobs, the jobs with the same value for the pegasus profile
key label will go into the same clustered job.

--cleanup cleanup strategy
The cleanup strategy to be used for workflows. Pegasus can add cleanup jobs to the
executable workflow that can remove files and directories during the workflow

The following type of cleanup strategies are currently supported:

· none disables cleanup altogether. The planner does not add any cleanup jobs in the
executable workflow whatsoever.

· leaf the planner adds a leaf cleanup node per staging site that removes the
directory created by the create dir job in the workflow.

· inplace the planner adds in addition to leaf cleanup nodes, cleanup nodes per
level of the workflow that remove files no longer required during execution. For
example, an added cleanup node will remove input files for a particular compute
job after the job has finished successfully.

--conf propfile
The path to properties file that contains the properties planner needs to use while
planning the workflow.

--dir dir
The base directory where you want the output of the Pegasus Workflow Planner usually
condor submit files, to be generated. Pegasus creates a directory structure in this
base directory on the basis of username, VO Group and the label of the workflow in the

By default the base directory is the directory from which one runs the pegasus-plan

-f, --force
This bypasses the reduction phase in which the abstract DAG is reduced, on the basis
of the locations of the output files returned by the replica catalog. This is
analogous to a make style generation of the executable workflow.

By default, for hierarichal workflows if a DAX job fails, then on job retry the rescue
DAG of the associated workflow is submitted. This option causes Pegasus to replan the
DAX job in case of failure instead.

-g, --group
The VO Group to which the user belongs to.

-h, --help
Displays all the options to the pegasus-plan command.

--inherited-rc-files file[,file,...]
A comma separated list of paths to replica files. Locations mentioned in these have a
lower priority than the locations in the DAX file. This option is usually used
internally for hierarchical workflows, where the file locations mentioned in the
parent (encompassing) workflow DAX, passed to the sub workflows (corresponding) to the
DAX jobs.

-I, --input-dir
A path to the input directory where the input files reside. This internally loads a
Directory based Replica Catalog backend, that constructs does a directory listing to
create the LFN→PFN mappings for the files in the input directory. You can specify
additional properties either on the command line or the properties file to control the
site attribute and url prefix associated with the mappings.

pegasus.catalog.replica.directory.site specifies the pool attribute to associate with
the mappings. Defaults to local

pegasus.catalog.replica.directory.url.prefix specifies the URL prefix to use while
constructing the PFN. Defaults to file://

-j prefix, --job-prefix prefix
The job prefix to be applied for constructing the filenames for the job submit files.

-n, --nocleanup
This option is deprecated. Use --cleanup none instead.

-o site, --output-site site
The output site to which the output files of the DAX are transferred to.

By default the materialized data remains in the working directory on the execution
site where it was created. Only those output files are transferred to an output site
for which transfer attribute is set to true in the DAX.

-O output directory, --output-dir output directory
The output directory to which the output files of the DAX are transferred to.

If -o is specified the storage directory of the site specified as the output site is
updated to be the directory passed. If no output site is specified, then this option
internally sets the output site to local with the storage directory updated to the
directory passed.

-q, --quiet
Decreases the logging level.

-r[dirname], --randomdir[=dirname]
Pegasus Worfklow Planner adds create directory jobs to the executable workflow that
create a directory in which all jobs for that workflow execute on a particular site.
The directory created is in the working directory (specified in the site catalog with
each site).

By default, Pegasus duplicates the relative directory structure on the submit host on
the remote site. The user can specify this option without arguments to create a random
timestamp based name for the execution directory that are created by the create dir
jobs. The user can can specify the optional argument to this option to specify the
basename of the directory that is to be created.

The create dir jobs refer to the dirmanager executable that is shipped as part of the
PEGASUS worker package. The transformation catalog is searched for the transformation
named pegasus::dirmanager for all the remote sites where the workflow has been
scheduled. Pegasus can create a default path for the dirmanager executable, if
PEGASUS_HOME environment variable is associated with the sites in the site catalog as
an environment profile.

--relative-dir dir
The directory relative to the base directory where the executable workflow it to be
generated and executed. This overrides the default directory structure that Pegasus
creates based on username, VO Group and the DAX label.

--relative-submit-dir dir
The directory relative to the base directory where the executable workflow it to be
generated. This overrides the default directory structure that Pegasus creates based
on username, VO Group and the DAX label. By specifying --relative-dir and
--relative-submit-dir you can have different relative execution directory on the
remote site and different relative submit directory on the submit host.

-s site[,site,...], --sites site[,site,...]
A comma separated list of execution sites on which the workflow is to be executed.
Each of the sites should have an entry in the site catalog, that is being used. To run
on the submit host, specify the execution site as local.

In case this option is not specified, all the sites in the site catalog are picked up
as candidates for running the workflow.

--staging-site s1=ss1[,s2=ss2[..]]
A comma separated list of key=value pairs , where the key is the execution site and
value is the staging site for that execution site.

In case of running on a shared filesystem, the staging site is automatically
associated by the planner to be the execution site. If only a value is specified, then
that is taken to be the staging site for all the execution sites. e.g --staging-site
local means that the planner will use the local site as the staging site for all jobs
in the workflow.

-s, --submit
Submits the generated executable workflow using pegasus-run script in
$PEGASUS_HOME/bin directory. By default, the Pegasus Workflow Planner only generates
the Condor submit files and does not submit them.

-v, --verbose
Increases the verbosity of messages about what is going on. By default, all FATAL,
ERROR, CONSOLE and WARN messages are logged. The logging hierarchy is as follows:









For example, to see the INFO, CONFIG and DEBUG messages additionally, set -vvv.

-V, --version
Displays the current version number of the Pegasus Workflow Management System.


If the Pegasus Workflow Planner is able to generate an executable workflow successfully,
the exitcode will be 0. All runtime errors result in an exitcode of 1. This is usually in
the case when you have misconfigured your catalogs etc. In the case of an error occurring
while loading a specific module implementation at run time, the exitcode will be 2. This
is usually due to factory methods failing while loading a module. In case of any other
error occurring during the running of the command, the exitcode will be 1. In most cases,
the error message logged should give a clear indication as to where things went wrong.


pegasus-plan will try to determine memory limits automatically using factors such as total
system memory and potential memory limits (ulimits). The automatic limits can be
overridden by setting the JAVA_HEAPMIN and JAVA_HEAPMAX environment variables before
invoking pegasus-plan. The values are in megabytes. As a rule of thumb, JAVA_HEAPMIN can
be set to half of the value of JAVA_HEAPMAX.


This is not an exhaustive list of properties used. For the complete description and list
of properties refer to $PEGASUS_HOME/doc/advanced-properties.pdf

Identifies what type of site selector you want to use. If not specified the default
value of Random is used. Other supported modes are RoundRobin and NonJavaCallout that
calls out to a external site selector.

Specifies the type of replica catalog to be used.

If not specified, then the value defaults to RLS.

Contact string to access the replica catalog. In case of RLS it is the RLI url.

A suffix to the workdir in the site catalog to determine the current working
directory. If relative, the value will be appended to the working directory from the
site.config file. If absolute it constitutes the working directory.

Specifies the type of transformation catalog to be used. One can use either a file
based or a database based transformation catalog. At present the default is Text.

The location of file to use as transformation catalog.

If not specified, then the default location of $PEGASUS_HOME/var/tc.data is used.

Specifies the type of site catalog to be used. One can use either a text based or an
xml based site catalog. At present the default is XML3.

The location of file to use as a site catalog. If not specified, then default value of
$PEGASUS_HOME/etc/sites.xml is used in case of the xml based site catalog and
$PEGASUS_HOME/etc/sites.txt in case of the text based site catalog.

This property sets up Pegasus to run in different environments. This can be set to

sharedfs If this is set, Pegasus will be setup to execute jobs on the shared
filesystem on the execution site. This assumes, that the head node of a cluster and
the worker nodes share a filesystem. The staging site in this case is the same as the
execution site.

nonsharedfs If this is set, Pegasus will be setup to execute jobs on an execution site
without relying on a shared filesystem between the head node and the worker nodes.

condorio If this is set, Pegasus will be setup to run jobs in a pure condor pool, with
the nodes not sharing a filesystem. Data is staged to the compute nodes from the
submit host using Condor File IO.

The code generator to use. By default, Condor submit files are generated for the
executable workflow. Setting to Shell results in Pegasus generating a shell script
that can be executed on the submit host.

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