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ragg2 - radare2 utility to run programs in exotic environments


ragg2 [-a arch] [-b bits] [-k kernel] [-f format] [-o file] [-i shellcode] [-I path]
[-e encoder] [-B hexpairs] [-c k=v] [-C file] [-d off:dword] [-D off:qword]
[-w off:hexpair] [-p padding] [-FOLsrxvh]


ragg2 is a frontend for r_egg, compile programs into tiny binaries for x86-32/64 and arm.

This tool is experimental and it is a rewrite of the old rarc2 and rarc2-tool programs as a
library and integrated with r_asm and r_bin.

Programs generated by r_egg are relocatable and can be injected in a running process or on-
disk binary file.

ragg2-cc is another tool that comes with r2 and it is used to generate shellcodes from C
code. The final code can be linked with rabin2 and it is relocatable, so it can be used to
inject it on any remote process.

ragg2-cc is conceptually based on shellforge4, but only linux/osx x86-32/64 platforms are


The rr2 (ragg2) configuration file accepts the following directives, described as key=value
entries and comments defined as lines starting with '#'.

-a arch set architecture x86, arm

-b bits 32 or 64

-k kernel windows, linux or osx

-f format select binary format (pe, elf, mach0)

-o file output file to write result of compilation

-i shellcode
specify shellcode name to be used (see -L)

-e encoder specify encoder name to be used (see -L)

-B hexpair specify shellcode as hexpairs

-c k=v set configure option for the shellcode encoder. The argument must be key=value.

-C file include contents of file

-d off:dword
Patch final buffer with given dword at specified offset

-D off:qword
Patch final buffer with given qword at specified offset

-w off:hexpairs
Patch final buffer with given hexpairs at specified offset

-p padding Specify generic paddings with a format string.

-F autodetect native file format (osx=mach0, linux=elf, ..)

-O use default output file (filename without extension or a.out)

-I path add include path

-s show assembler code

-x execute (just-in-time)


$ cat hi.r
/* hello world in r_egg */

main@global(128) {
.var0 = "hi!\n";
write(1,.var0, 4);
$ ragg2 -O -F hi.r
$ ./hi

$ cat hi.c
main() {
write(1, "Hello0, 6);
$ ragg2 hi.c
$ ./hi.c.bin

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