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camlp5 - Pre-Precessor-Pretty-Printer for ocaml
mkcamlp5 - Create custom camlp5
mkcamlp5.opt - Create custom camlp5 (native code)
ocpp5 - Universal preprocessor


camlp5 [ load-options ] [--] [ other-options ]
camlp5o [ load-options ] [--] [ other-options ]
camlp5r [ load-options ] [--] [ other-options ]
camlp5sch [ load-options ] [--] [ other-options ]
ocpp5 [ load-options ] file

camlp5o.opt [--] [ other-options ]
camlp5r.opt [--] [ other-options ]


camlp5 is a Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for OCaml, parsing a source file and printing
some result on standard output.

camlp5o, camlp5r and camlp5sch are versions of camlp5 with some files already loaded (see

camlp5o.cma, camlp5r.cma and camlp5sch.cma are files to be loaded in ocaml toplevel to use
the camlp5 machinery

mkcamlp5 and mkcamlp5.opt creates camlp5 executables with almost the same options than
ocamlmktop. See further.

ocpp5 is an universal preprocessor, treating any kind of source file, generating the same
text with the possible quotations expanded.

camlp5o.opt and camlp5r.opt are versions of camlp5o and camlp5r compiled by the native-
code compiler ocamlopt. They are faster but not extensible. And they are not available in
all installations of camlp5.


The load options select parsing and printing actions recorded in OCaml object files
(ending with .cmo or .cma). Several usage of these options are authorized. They must
precede the other options.

An optional -- may end the load options.

-I directory
Add directory in the search path for files loaded. Unless the option -nolib is
used, the camlp5 library directory is appended to the path. Warning: there is no
automatic search in the current directory: add "-I ." for this.

-where Print camlp5 library directory name and exit.

-nolib No automatic search for objects files in camlp5 library directory.

The file is loaded in camlp5 core.


The others options are:

file Treat file as an interface file if it ends with .mli and as an implementation file
if it ends with .ml.

-intf file
Treat file as an interface file, whatever its extension.

-impl file
Treat file as an implementation file, whatever its extension.

Generate unsafe accesses to arrays and strings.

Do not compile assertion checks.

More verbose in parsing errors.

-QD file
Dump in file in case of syntax error in the result of a quotation expansion.

-o out-file
Print the result on out-file instead of standard output. File is opened with
open_out_bin (see OCaml library Pervasives).

-v Print the version number and exit.

-help Print the available options and exit. This print includes the options possibly
added by the loaded object files.

The others options can be extended by loaded object files. The provided files add the
following options:

-l line-length
Added by pr_o.cmo and pr_r.cmo: set the line length (default 78).

-sep string
Added by pr_o.cmo and pr_r.cmo: print this string between phrases instead of

-no_ss Added by pr_o.cmo: do not print double semicolons

-D ident
Added by pa_macro.cmo: define the ident.

-U ident
Added by pa_macro.cmo: undefine the ident.


These files are installed in the directory /usr/lib/ocaml/camlp5.

Parsing files:
pa_r.cmo: revised syntax
pa_rp.cmo: streams and parsers
pa_lexer.cmo: lexers
pa_o.cmo: normal syntax
pa_op.cmo: streams and parsers
pa_oop.cmo: streams and parsers (without code optimization)
pa_scheme.cmo: scheme syntax
pa_extend.cmo: syntax extension for grammars
pa_extfold.cmo: extension of pa_extend with FOLD0 and FOLD1
pa_extfun.cmo: syntax extension for extensible functions
pa_extprint.cmo: syntax extensions for extensible printers
pa_pprintf.cmo: syntax extension for pprintf statement
pa_fstream.cmo: syntax extension for functional streams
pa_macro.cmo: add macros (ifdef, define) like in C
pa_lefteval.cmo: left-to-right evaluation of parameters
pa_pragma.cmo: directive #pragma

Printing files:
pr_r.cmo: revised syntax without objects and labels
pr_ro.cmo: revised syntax for objects and labels
pr_rp.cmo: try to rebuild streams and parsers syntax
pr_o.cmo: normal syntax
pr_op.cmo: try to rebuild streams and parsers syntax
pr_scheme.cmo: Scheme syntax
pr_schemep.cmo: try to rebuild streams and parsers syntax
pr_extend.cmo: try to rebuild EXTEND statements
pr_extfun.cmo: try to rebuild extfun statements
pr_extprint.cmo: try to rebuild EXTEND_PRINTER statements
pr_dump.cmo: dump syntax tree for ocaml compiler
pr_depend.cmo: file dependencies
pr_null.cmo: no output

Quotation expanders:
q_MLast.cmo: syntax tree nodes (in revised syntax)
q_ast.cmo: syntax tree nodes in user full syntax
q_phony.cmo: keeping quotations for pretty printing

The command camlp5o is a shortcut for:
camlp5 pa_o.cmo pa_op.cmo pr_dump.cmo

The command camlp5r is a shortcut for:
camlp5 pa_r.cmo pa_rp.cmo pr_dump.cmo

The command camlp5sch is a shortcut for:
camlp5 pa_scheme.cmo pr_dump.cmo

The file camlp5o.cma can be loaded in the toplevel to start camlp5 with OCaml syntax.

The file camlp5r.cma can be loaded in the toplevel to start camlp5 with revised syntax.

The file camlp5sch.cma can be loaded in the toplevel to start camlp5 with Scheme syntax.


mkcamlp5 and mkcamlp5.opt creates camlp5 executables with almost the same options than
ocamlmktop. The version mkcamlp5.opt can create native code executables, faster but not

For mkcamlp5, the interfaces to be visible must be explicitly added in the command line as
".cmi" files. For example, how to add the the OCaml module "str":
mkcamlp5 -custom str.cmi str.cma -cclib -lstr -o camlp5str


The following environment variable is also consulted:

Set the grammars parsing algorithm parameters. This variable must be a sequence of
parameter specifications. A parameter specification is a letter optionally
followed by an = and a value. There are four possible parameters:

b (backtrack)
Set the backtrack algorithm as default.

t (trace)
Trace symbols (terminals and non-terminals) while parsing with backtracking.

y (trace-stalling)
In backtracking, trace the advance in the input stream (number of unfrozen tokens)
and the possible stalling (number of tokens tests).

l (maximum-stalling)
Set the maximum stalling value.

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