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flow-fanout - Online in the Cloud

Run flow-fanout in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

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flow-fanout — Fanout (replicate) flow exports to many destinations.


flow-fanout [-h] [-A AS0_substitution] [-d debug_level] [-f filter_fname] [-F
filter_definition] [-m privacy_mask] [-p pidfile] [-s] [-S stat_interval] [-V
pdu_version] [-x xmit_delay] localip/remoteip/port localip/remoteip/port ...


The flow-fanout utility will replicate flows arriving on localip/remoteip/port to
destination(s) specified by localip/remoteip/port.

Flows processed by multiple exporters will be mixed into a single output stream. This
functionality appeared to support Cisco Catalyst exports and may have other uses.

A SIGQUIT or SIGTERM signal will cause flow-fanout to exit.


-A AS0_substitution
Cisco's NetFlow exports represent the local autonomous system as 0 instead of
the real value. This option can be used to replace the 0 in the export with the
a configured value. Unfortunately under certain configurations AS 0 can also
represent a cache miss or non forwarded traffic so use with caution.

-d debug_level
Enable debugging.

-f filter_fname
Filter list filename. Defaults to /etc/flow-tools/cfg/filter.

-F filter_definition
Select the active definition. Defaults to default.

-h Display help.

-m privacy_mask
Apply privacy_mask to the source and destination IP address of flows. For
example a privacy_mask of would convert flows with
source/destination IP addresses and to and

-p pidfile
Configure the process ID file. Use - to disable pid file creation.

-s Spoof the source IP address. If the IP address is 0 then it is replaced with
the exporter source IP.

-S stat_interval
When configured flow-fanout will emit a timestamped message on stderr every
stat_interval minutes indicating counters such as the number of flows received,
packets processed, and lost flows.

-V pdu_version
Use pdu_version format output.

1 NetFlow version 1 (No sequence numbers, AS, or mask)
5 NetFlow version 5
6 NetFlow version 6 (5+ Encapsulation size)
7 NetFlow version 7 (Catalyst switches)
8.1 NetFlow AS Aggregation
8.2 NetFlow Proto Port Aggregation
8.3 NetFlow Source Prefix Aggregation
8.4 NetFlow Destination Prefix Aggregation
8.5 NetFlow Prefix Aggregation
8.6 NetFlow Destination (Catalyst switches)
8.7 NetFlow Source Destination (Catalyst switches)
8.8 NetFlow Full Flow (Catalyst switches)
8.9 NetFlow ToS AS Aggregation
8.10 NetFlow ToS Proto Port Aggregation
8.11 NetFlow ToS Source Prefix Aggregation
8.12 NetFlow ToS Destination Prefix Aggregation
8.13 NetFlow ToS Prefix Aggregation
8.14 NetFlow ToS Prefix Port Aggregation
1005 Flow-Tools tagged version 5

-x xmit_delay
Configure a microsecond transmit delay between packets. This may be necessary
in some configurations to prevent a transmit buffer overrun.


Replicate flows arriving to local IP address from the router exporting with IP
address on port 9500 to localhost port 9500 and port 9200. The exports
sent to will be sent with a source IP address of which must be a valid
local IP address.

flow-fanout 0/0/9500

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