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ccxxmake - Online in the Cloud

Run ccxxmake in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command ccxxmake that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



Create - Create CCMX or CCSS.


Create CCMX or CCSS


ccmxmake [-options] output.ccmx

-v Verbose mode

-S Create CCSS rather than CCMX

-f file1.ti3[,file2.ti3] Create from one or two .ti3 files rather than measure.

-display displayname
Choose X11 display name

-d n[,m]
Choose the display n from the following list (default 1) Optionally choose
different display m for VideoLUT access

1 name = ':0.0' 1 = 'Screen 1, Output DVI-I-1 at 0, 0, width 1920, height 1080'

Display via a web server at port (default 8080)

-p Use telephoto mode (ie. for a projector) (if available)

-P ho,vo,ss[,vs]
Position test window and scale it ho,vi: 0.0 = left/top, 0.5 = center, 1.0 =
right/bottom etc. ss: 0.5 = half, 1.0 = normal, 2.0 = double etc.

-F Fill whole screen with black background

-n Don't set override redirect on test window

-N Disable initial calibration of instrument if possible

-H Use high resolution spectrum mode (if available)

-C "command"
Invoke shell "command" each time a color is set

-o observ
Choose CIE Observer for CCMX spectrometer data: 1931_2 (def), 1964_10, S&B 1955_2,
shaw, J&V 1978_2

-s steps
Override default patch sequence combination steps (default 1)

-W n|h|x
Override serial port flow control: n = none, h = HW, x = Xon/Xoff

-D [level]
Print debug diagnostics to stderr

-E desciption
Override the default overall description

-I displayname
Set display make and model description

-T displaytech
Set display technology description (ie. CRT, LCD etc.)

-U c Set UI selection character(s)

-Y r|n Set or override refresh/non-refresh display type

-Y R:rate
Override measured refresh rate with rate Hz

-Y A Use non-adaptive integration time mode (if available).

correction.ccmx | calibration.ccss

File to save result to

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