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yade - Online in the Cloud

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Yade - manual page for Yade version: 1.20.0


usage: yade [options] [ simulation.xml[.bz2] | script.py [script options]]

Yade: open-source platform for dynamic compuations. It is an extensible opensource
framework for discrete numerical models, focused on Discrete Element Method. The
computation parts are written in c++ using flexible object model, allowing independent
implementation of new algorithms and interfaces. Python is used for rapid and concise
scene construction, simulation control, postprocessing and debugging. Available features:
['Odeint', 'VTK', 'OpenMP', 'GTS', 'GUI-Qt5', 'CGAL', 'PFVFLOW', 'LINSOLV', 'SPH',
'GL2PS', 'LBMFLOW']. Homepage http://www.yade-dem.org, code hosted at

optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-v, --version
Print version and exit.

-j THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of OpenMP threads to run; defaults to 1. Equivalent to setting
OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable.

--cores CORES
Set number of OpenMP threads (as \-\-threads) and in addition set affinity of
threads to the cores given. Please provide a string with comma-separated core-ids.

Update deprecated class names in given script(s) using text search & replace.
Changed files will be backed up with ~ suffix. Exit when done without running any

--nice NICE
Increase nice level (i.e. decrease priority) by given number.

-x Exit when the script finishes

-n Run without graphical interface (equivalent to unsetting the DISPLAY environment

--test Run regression test suite and exit; the exists status is 0 if all tests pass, 1 if
a test fails and 2 for an unspecified exception.

Run a series of user-defined check tests as described in

Starts a test to measure the productivity

import libraries at startup before importing yade libs. May be used when the
ordering of imports matter (see e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/yade/+bug/1183402
/comments/3). The option can be use multiple times, as in "yade -llib1 -llib2"

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