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audiolink - Online in the Cloud

Run audiolink in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

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audiolink - Create AudioLink config file, databases and tables


audiolink [OPTION]...


AudioLink is a set of programs which help you manage your music collection. It makes
searching for music on your local storage media easier and faster. Your searches can
include a variety of criteria, like male artists, female artists, band, genre, etc.

It supports music files of MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats.

audiolink assists you in creating a configuration file for oft-used options passed to the
AudioLink programs and creating the MySQL database and tables which the AudioLink
programs, alfilldb(1) and alsearch(1) use.

The options specified on the command prompt override the options specified in the config


Brief usage information

Connects to the MySQL server on the target host. Default is localhost.

Password for the database

Username for the database

Display extra information about what's going on


The user and password fields for the database have to be specified. There are three ways
of doing this:

1. Command-line arguments
By specifying them via the --user and --pass command-line arguments to the programs:

"alfilldb --user=mysql_username --pass=mysql_password --prompt=basic /songs/"

"alsearch --user=mysql_username --pass=mysql_password --artist=kishore

2. Environment variables
Setting the DBI_USER and DBI_PASS environment variables:

If you are using bash, ksh, zsh or sh do this:

"export DBI_USER=mysql_username"

"export DBI_PASS=mysql_password"

If you are using csh or tcsh, do this:

"setenv DBI_USER mysql_username"

"setenv DBI_USER mysql_password"

Consult the man page of the respective shell interpreter that you use for help on
environment variables.

3. Config file
Specifying them in the config file (the most convenient). The config file is stored in
each user's home directory in the ~/.audiolink/config location.


The AudioLink configuration file config resides in the .audiolink/ directory in the user's
home directory ($HOME/.audiolink/config).

The format of the current config file is pretty easy to understand: Just put in "a = b" on
separate lines for all the options you want the AudioLink scripts to use by default. Here,
a is the option name, like user, password, host, etc., and b is the value you wish to
associate the option with. For example, to set the username for accessing the database to
'root', you would put this in the config file:

"user = root"

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