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faad - Online in the Cloud

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faad — Process an Advanced Audio Codec stream


faad [options] [-w | -o <output_filename> | -a <output_filename>] input_filename


This utility provides a command line interface to libfaad2. This program reads in MPEG‐4
AAC files, processes, and outputs them in either Microsoft WAV, MPEG‐4 AAC ADTS, or
standard PCM formats.


-a <filename>, --adtsout <filename>
Sets the processing to output to the specified file in MPEG‐4 AAC ADTS format

-b <number>, --bits <number>
Set the output (individual) sample format. The number takes one of the following
1: 16‐bit PCM data (default).
2: 24‐bit PCM data.
3: 32‐bit PCM data.
4: 32‐bit floating‐point data.
5: 64‐bit floating‐point data.

-d , --downmix
Set the processing to downsample from 5.1 (surround sound and bass) channels to 2
channels (stereo).

-f <number>, --format <number>
Set the output file format. The number takes one of the following values:
1: Microsoft WAV format (default).
2: Raw PCM data.

-g Set the processing to not perform gapless decoding.

-h , --help
Shows a usage summary.

-i , --info
Shows information about the about the input file.

-l <number>, --objecttype <number>
Sets the MPEG rofile and object type for the processing to use. The number takes
one of the following values:
1: Main object type.
2: Low Complexity (LC) object type (default).
4: Long Term Prediction (LTP) object type.
23: Low Delay (LD) object type.

-o <filename>, --outfile <number>
Sets the filename for processing output.

-q , --quiet
Quiet - Suppresses status messages during processing.

-t , --oldformat
Sets the processing to use the old MPEG‐4 AAC ADTS format when outputting in said

-w , --stdio
Sets the processing output to be sent to the standard out.

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