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lttng-iolatencytop-mi - Online in the Cloud

Run lttng-iolatencytop-mi in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command lttng-iolatencytop-mi that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



lttng-iolatencytop-mi - lttng-iolatencytop-mi


usage: lttng-iolatencytop-mi [-h] [-r REFRESH] [--gmt] [--skip-validation]

[--begin BEGIN] [--end END]
[--period-begin PERIOD_BEGIN] [--period-end PERIOD_END] [--period-begin-key
PERIOD_BEGIN_KEY] [--period-end-key PERIOD_END_KEY] [--period-key-value
PERIOD_KEY_VALUE] [--cpu CPU] [--timerange TIMERANGE] [-V] [--metadata] [--procname
PROCNAME] [--tid TID] [--min MIN] [--max MAX] [--log] [--limit LIMIT] [--top]
[--stats] [--freq] [--freq-resolution FREQ_RESOLUTION] [--freq-uniform]
[--freq-series] [--usage] [--minsize MINSIZE] [--maxsize MAXSIZE] [<path/to/trace>
[<path/to/trace> ...]]

The I/O command.

positional arguments:
trace path

optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-r REFRESH, --refresh REFRESH
Refresh period, with optional units suffix (default units: s)

--gmt Manipulate timestamps based on GMT instead of local time

Skip the trace validation

--begin BEGIN
start time: hh:mm:ss[.nnnnnnnnn]

--end END
end time: hh:mm:ss[.nnnnnnnnn]

--period-begin PERIOD_BEGIN
Analysis period start marker event name

--period-end PERIOD_END
Analysis period end marker event name (requires --period-begin)

--period-begin-key PERIOD_BEGIN_KEY
Optional, list of event field names used to match period markers (default: cpu_id)

--period-end-key PERIOD_END_KEY
Optional, list of event field names used to match period marker. If none specified,
use the same --period-begin-key

--period-key-value PERIOD_KEY_VALUE
Optional, define a fixed key value to which a period must correspond to be

--cpu CPU
Filter the results only for this list of CPU IDs

--timerange TIMERANGE
time range: [begin,end]

-V, --version
show program's version number and exit

Show analysis's metadata

--procname PROCNAME
Filter the results only for this list of process names

--tid TID
Filter the results only for this list of TIDs

--min MIN
Filter out durations shorter than min usec

--max MAX
Filter out durations longer than max usec

--log Output the I/O requests in chronological order

--limit LIMIT
Limit to top X (default = 10)

--top Output the top I/O latencies by category

Output the I/O latency statistics

--freq Output the I/O latency frequency distribution

--freq-resolution FREQ_RESOLUTION
Frequency distribution resolution (default 20)

Use a uniform resolution across distributions

Consolidate frequency distribution histogram as a single one

Output the I/O usage

--minsize MINSIZE
Filter out, I/O operations working with less that minsize bytes

--maxsize MAXSIZE
Filter out, I/O operations working with more that maxsize bytes

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