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retty - Online in the Cloud

Run retty in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command retty that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



retty - Attach process running on another terminal


retty [-v] [-h] [-0 fd] [-1 fd] [-2 fd] PID


retty is a simple tool which will let you attach process currently
running on another terminal. Unlike screen, you need to make no special
provisions in advance - just get the process' pid and attach it

Non-violently killing retty should provide for a proper detach - after
that, the process can be used on the original terminal again (multiple
subsequent retty attachments of a single process are possible, but the
process does I/O only on the last one).

You can also use escape sequences to detach a process and possibly do
other things. The escape character is "`" (lowercase of "~") and "`h"
will give you list of possible escape sequences. The escape character
must be immediately preceded by an enter.

By default, retty attaches file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 of process. That
should be enough in most cases, but will not do in some special ones.
In such case, you have to check /proc/<PID>/fd and force retty to
attach correct file descriptors instead.


-v Display version information.

-h Display usage information.

-0 fd Specify file descriptor that process we want to attach uses as
input. Default value is 0 (stdin).

-1 fd Specify file descriptor that process we want to attach uses as
output. Default value is 1 (stdout).

-2 fd Specify file descriptor that process we want to attach uses for
error outputs. Default value is 2 (stderr).

PID PID of process that we want to attach. If retty is run as
ordinary user, it can attach only processes owned by that user.
If run as root, retty can attach probably anything (not always
good idea).

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