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bargraph - Online in the Cloud

Run bargraph in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command bargraph that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



bargraph - compile bar graphs into pic input


bargraph [ filename ... ]


bargraph is a perl script which takes a set of Y data with labels and generates a (human
readable) pic script that will produce the bar graph. The output (pic input) is commented
and is designed such that you should be able to go in and adjust it to fit your document
should you need to do so.

The input data format is:

3 foo bar
9 bigger foo
"Silly example

with output like

| |
foo | |
bar | |
+----------+ | |
| | | |
+----------+ +----------+
3 9

Silly example


The following command line options are available

-big Make the x/y defaults be 7.5 inches, crank up the title size, and don't put a
spacer at the top. Used for printing a graph on a full page.

-nobox Do not put an outline box around the bargraph.


The following may be included in the graph to control the format of the graph. They must
be at the beginning of a line and by themselves.

%ps <ps> point size. Default is 10.

%ft <ft> font. Default is CB.

%labelgap <val> the space in inches between fill labels. The bars may be filled with
different fill values (no patterns yet, pic doesn't do that). If you
want to label these, the labels are labelgap inches apart. Default is
1.5 inches.

%xsize <val> the width of the graph in inches. Default is 7 inches.

%ysize <val> the height of the graph in inches. Default is 6 inches.

%Title n|s <title>
the title of the bargraph. The title option is followed by a a "n"orth
(top) or "s"outh (bottom) indicator which controls placement of the
title. No default.

%titleplus <val> increases the size of the title in pointsize. Default is 0.

%boxpercent <val> a value between 0 and 100 that controls how closely the bars are to each
other. A value of 100 means the bars touch. Default is 75.

%worse <D> <W> An idiot arrow is drawn to indicate which way is worse. <D> is the
direction and must be "up" or "down". <W> is the location specifier and
must be one of "n"orth, "w"est, "e"ast, "s"outh, "nw" northwest, ne, sw,
se, etc.

%better <D> <W> An idiot arrow is drawn to indicate which way is better. <D> is the
direction and must be "up" or "down". <W> is the location specifier and
must be one of "n"orth, "w"est, "e"ast, "s"outh, "nw" northwest, ne, sw,
se, etc.

%fakemax pretend that one data point was this big when autoscaling. THis is used
to make a series of bargraphs be all drawn to the same scale.


Each datum may be follwed by a fill specifier as follows
3 foo bar %fill.5
Labels may be specified to group a set of data that all have the same data. If a line
appears like
%label.5 The foo bar data
then you get a label below the graph.

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