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gbker - Online in the Cloud

Run gbker in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command gbker that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



gbker - Produce kernel density estimation


gbker [options]


Compute the kernel density estimation on an equispaced grid. Data are read from standard
input. The kernel bandwidth, if not provided with the option -H, is set automatically
using simple heuristics. Normally the whole support is displayed. The option -w can be
used to restrict the computation to specific range of values. The method used to compute
the density is set by the option -M. The boundaries of the grid are slightly different in
the different cases.


-n number of equispaced points/bins where the density is computed (default 64)

-w set the grid boundaries with min,max (default whole support)

-H set the kernel bandwidth

-S scale the automatic kernel bandwidth

-K choose the kernel to use (default 0)

0 Epanenchnikov

1 Rectangular

2 Gaussian

3 Laplacian

-M choose the method for density computation (default 0)

0 use FFT (# grid points rounded to nearest power of 2)

1 use discrete convolution (compact kernels only; bins>2)

2 explicit summation (boundaries excluded)

-F specify the input fields separators (default " \t")


gbker -n 128 -K 2 < file
use a Gaussian kernel to compute the density on 128 equispaced points with the FFT
approach. All the data in 'file' are used, multiple columns are pooled.

gbker -K 3 -M 2 < file
use a Laplacian kernel to compute the density on 64 points. The method used is the
explicit summation.

Use gbker online using onworks.net services

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