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ifile - core executable for the ifile mail filtering system


ifile [-b file] [-q|-Q] [-g] [-k] [-o] [-v num] [lexing options] file ...
ifile -c -q|-Q [-T threshold] [-b file] [-g] [-k] [-o] [lexing options] file ...
ifile [-b file] [-d folder] [-i folder|-u folder] [-g] [-k] [-o] [-v num] [lexing options]
file ...
ifile -r [-b file]


ifile is a mail filter client that uses machine learning to classify e-mail into
folders/mail boxes. The algorithm that it uses is called Naive Bayes. Basically, naive
bayes considers each document an unordered collection of words and classifies by matching
the document distribution with the most closely matching folder/mailbox distribution.


-b, --db-file=file
Location to read/store ifile database. Default is ~/.idata

-c, --concise
equivalent of "ifile -v 0 | head -1 | cut -f1 -d". Must be used with -q or -Q.

-d, --delete=folder
Delete the statistics for each of files from the category folder

-f, --folder-calcs=folder
Show the word-probability calculations for folder

-g, --log-file
Create and store debugging information in ~/.ifile.log

-i, --insert=folder
Add the statistics for each of the files to the category folder

-k, --keep-infrequent
Leave in the database words that occur infrequently (normally they are tossed)

-l, --query-loocv=folder
For each of the files, temporarily removes file from folder, performs query and
then reinserts file in folder. Database is not modified.

-o, --occur
Uses document bit-vector representation. Count each word once per document.

-q, --query
Output rating scores for each of the files

-Q, --query-insert
For each of the files, output rating scores and add statistics for the folder with
the highest score

-T, --threshold=threshold
When used with both -c and -q, output the two highest ranking categories if their
score differs by at most threshold / 1000, which can be used to detect border
cases. When used with -q only and any threshold > 0, output the score difference
percentage. For example,
ifile -T1 -q foo.txt
might result in
spam -15570.48640776
non-spam -18728.00272369
diff[spam,non-spam](%) 9.21
If so, then
ifile -T93 -q -c foo.txt
will result in
foo.txt spam,non-spam
ifile -T92 -q -c foo.txt
will result in
foo.txt spam

-r, --reset-data
Erases all currently stored information

-u, --update=folder
Same as 'insert' except only adds stats if folder already exists

-v, --verbosity=num
Amount of output while running: 0=silent, 1=quiet, 2=progress, 3=verbose, 4=debug

Lexing options:

-a, --alpha-lexer
Lex words as sequences of alphabetic characters (default)

-A, --alpha-only-lexer
Only lex space-separated character sequences which are composed entirely of
alphabetic characters

-h, --strip-header
Skip all of the header lines except Subject:, From: and To:

-m, --max-length=char
Ignore portion of message after first char characters. Use entire message if char
set to 0. Default is 50,000.

-p, --print-tokens
Just tokenize and print, don't do any other processing. Documents are returned as
a list of word, frequency pairs.

-s, --no-stoplist
Do not throw out overly frequent (stoplist) words when lexing

-S, --stemming
Use 'Porter' stemming algorithm when lexing documents

-w, --white-lexer
Lex words as sequences of space separated characters

If no files are specified on the command line, ifile will use standard input as its
message to process.

-?, --help
Give this help list

Give a short usage message

-V, --version
Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any
corresponding short options.

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