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mia-3dmaskseeded - Online in the Cloud

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mia-3dmaskseeded - Mask an area by seeded region growing


mia-3dmaskseeded -i <in-file> -o <out-file> [options]


mia-3dmaskseeded 3D image segmentation based on region growing from a seed point.
Neighboring points are added, either when their intensity is equal or higher than that of
the seed point, or of the intensity is lower or equal then that of the neighoring point.
After region growing is finished, this mask is used to zero out the region in the original
image yielding the resulting image.


-i --in-file=(input, required); io
input image(s) to be filtered For supported file types see

-o --out-file=(output, required); io
output image(s) that have been filtered For supported file types see

-s --seed=[0,0,0]
seed pointseed point

-n --neighborhood=6n
neighborhood shapeneighborhood shape For supported plugins see

Help & Info
-V --verbose=warning
verbosity of output, print messages of given level and higher priorities.
Supported priorities starting at lowest level are:
info ‐ Low level messages
trace ‐ Function call trace
fail ‐ Report test failures
warning ‐ Warnings
error ‐ Report errors
debug ‐ Debug output
message ‐ Normal messages
fatal ‐ Report only fatal errors

print copyright information

-h --help
print this help

-? --usage
print a short help

print the version number and exit

Maxiumum number of threads to use for processing,This number should be lower
or equal to the number of logical processor cores in the machine. (-1:
automatic estimation).Maxiumum number of threads to use for processing,This
number should be lower or equal to the number of logical processor cores in
the machine. (-1: automatic estimation).

PLUGINS: 3dimage/io

analyze Analyze 7.5 image

Recognized file extensions: .HDR, .hdr

Supported element types:
unsigned 8 bit, signed 16 bit, signed 32 bit, floating point 32 bit,
floating point 64 bit

datapool Virtual IO to and from the internal data pool

Recognized file extensions: .@

dicom Dicom image series as 3D

Recognized file extensions: .DCM, .dcm

Supported element types:
signed 16 bit, unsigned 16 bit

hdf5 HDF5 3D image IO

Recognized file extensions: .H5, .h5

Supported element types:
binary data, signed 8 bit, unsigned 8 bit, signed 16 bit, unsigned 16 bit,
signed 32 bit, unsigned 32 bit, signed 64 bit, unsigned 64 bit, floating
point 32 bit, floating point 64 bit

inria INRIA image

Recognized file extensions: .INR, .inr

Supported element types:
signed 8 bit, unsigned 8 bit, signed 16 bit, unsigned 16 bit, signed 32
bit, unsigned 32 bit, floating point 32 bit, floating point 64 bit

mhd MetaIO 3D image IO using the VTK implementation (experimental).

Recognized file extensions: .MHA, .MHD, .mha, .mhd

Supported element types:
signed 8 bit, unsigned 8 bit, signed 16 bit, unsigned 16 bit, signed 32
bit, unsigned 32 bit, floating point 32 bit, floating point 64 bit

nifti NIFTI-1 3D image IO

Recognized file extensions: .NII, .nii

Supported element types:
signed 8 bit, unsigned 8 bit, signed 16 bit, unsigned 16 bit, signed 32
bit, unsigned 32 bit, signed 64 bit, unsigned 64 bit, floating point 32
bit, floating point 64 bit

vff VFF Sun raster format

Recognized file extensions: .VFF, .vff

Supported element types:
unsigned 8 bit, signed 16 bit

vista Vista 3D

Recognized file extensions: .V, .VISTA, .v, .vista

Supported element types:
binary data, signed 8 bit, unsigned 8 bit, signed 16 bit, unsigned 16 bit,
signed 32 bit, unsigned 32 bit, floating point 32 bit, floating point 64

vti 3D image VTK-XML in- and output (experimental).

Recognized file extensions: .VTI, .vti

Supported element types:
signed 8 bit, unsigned 8 bit, signed 16 bit, unsigned 16 bit, signed 32
bit, unsigned 32 bit, floating point 32 bit, floating point 64 bit

vtk 3D VTK image legacy in- and output (experimental).

Recognized file extensions: .VTK, .VTKIMAGE, .vtk, .vtkimage

Supported element types:
binary data, signed 8 bit, unsigned 8 bit, signed 16 bit, unsigned 16 bit,
signed 32 bit, unsigned 32 bit, floating point 32 bit, floating point 64

PLUGINS: 3dimage/shape

18n 18n neighborhood 3D shape creator

(no parameters)

26n 26n neighborhood 3D shape creator

(no parameters)

6n 6n neighborhood 3D shape creator

(no parameters)

sphere Closed spherical shape neighborhood including the pixels within a given radius
r., supported parameters are:

r = 2; float in (0, inf)
sphere radius.


Run a region growing on input.v starting at point <10,23,21> and use the 18n

mia-3dmaskseeded -i image.v -o masked.v -s '<10,23,21>' -n 18n


Gert Wollny


This software is Copyright (c) 1999‐2015 Leipzig, Germany and Madrid, Spain. It comes
with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY and you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU
GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (or later). For more information run the program with the
option '--copyright'.

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